Someone pt.2
Word count: 1020Y/N's POV
Jaemin comes to the shop a lot lately. Every time he buys something we'll have a little chat. He's really nice and I think I like him. This morning he texted me, he asked if I had work today. Lucky for me, it's my free day. I decided to call him instead of texting. "Good morning." He sounds happy. "Good morning, you texted me?" He hums in response. "Well I have the day off." I told him. "Great, I was wondering if you'd like to maybe go out. As friends of course." Ouch, did I just got friend zoned? I thought he maybe feels the same, but apparently not.
"Y/n? Are you going to answer?" I realised that I was out for too longs. "Uh yes, I sure want to go out with you. As friends." Like it didn't hurt already. "Text me your address I'll pick you up at 1." We said bye and ended the call. I looked at the clock and saw that I have enough time left to get ready.
Jaemin's POV"As friends. Why as friends? What's wrong with me?" I sigh. "You asked her out?" Jeno asks. "Yes, as friends." He sits down as well. "Did she friend zoned you?" I shook my head. "I did, and it's a huge mistake. Now she thinks I only want to be friends with her." I place my head in my hands. "Jeno what do I do?" I whine for help. "Give her hints so she knows you actually want more. But I wouldn't just say that you made a mistake and actually wanted to ask her out, as in a date." I nod understanding his help.
I arrived at the apartment building where y/n lives. I text her and not long after she was in my car. "Hey!" She smiles brightly. "Hey y/n." I smile back. "So where are you taking me?" She asks. "Did you already ate lunch?" She shook her head. "We're first going to eat somewhere. Then I thought to maybe shop a little and later on a movie." I look to see her reaction and she seems to like my idea. I start the car and we left to a restaurant I really like.
It wasn't a long ride. We already arrived. We walk next to each other, I take a few glances of how pretty she's dressed. Usually I see her in her work clothes so this is definitely something else to see. We walk in and sit at a table. After we ordered there was a silence between us. I decided to break it. "You look really pretty." I compliment her, I just had to say it. I mean she is just such a beautiful girl. I see her blush. "Thank you."
"The food was amazing. Weird that I've never heard of this place." Y/n said. "We can come again next time, if you want to." I told her. "Promise?" I nod. "I promise!" After we paid we went to the mall nearby. In the car on our way we played our favourite songs to sing along. Great thing we liked the same music artists. "Jaemin?" Y/n softly says my name. "Yes?" I replied. "You remember when we first talked that you said that you were looking for that special someone." She mentioned the memory. "Yes, what's with that?" I asked. "Did you already found that someone?"
I was surprised by her question. What should I answer on it? "Well. I think I found someone but I'm not sure if she likes me back. I really do like her, but I think I kind of messed up." She looked concerned at me. "How did you mess up?" She asked. "I said some things I shouldn't have said. I think that she now really doesn't like me the same way I do." I explain. "But what about you? Did you find your special someone?" It was my turn to ask her now.
"I'm not sure. I think I do but I'm not sure if he wants me. I think he just sees me like a friend." She tells me. Maybe I better didn't ask. Now I know she doesn't like me the same way. Maybe it's better I friend zoned myself. "But let's forget about it for now, let's go shopping!" I follow her inside some shops. "I already have a lot, maybe I can better try to fit it." I follow her to the fitting rooms and waited for her to try on some things.

NCT short imagines
Fanfic[[requests: closed]] OT21 Taeil Taeyong Johnny Yuta Kun Doyoung Ten Jaehyun WinWin Jungwoo Lucas Mark Xiaojun Hendery Renjun Jeno Haechan Jaemin YangYang Chenle Jisung