First date
Word count:Y/N's POV
"Good morning." Mark says happily. "Did you sleep well?" I nod, I'm not much of a talker in the morning. "Are you ready for today? Because I'm going to take you out and we're going to have so much fun!" He was very excited, it's cute. "I can't believe it's already been 2 years. Time flies." I finally say. "It just feels like yesterday when I first saw you." He chuckles at the thoughts of that day. "It was crazy, yet one of the best days of my life." I smile.
May 13, 2018
"You'll like him, I promise. You 2 are just perfect for each other!" Johnny tells me. "Are you sure? I have the feeling you're setting me up with some strange weirdo." I'm nervous, it's my first date and it's a blind date. Johnny set me up with one of his friends. Is this even a good idea? "Y/n, just breathe. He's a nice guy with a big heart. He's funny, I mean you 2 have the same humour. And he's caring, you don't have to worry. And by the way he's just as nervous as you are."
"You look good, get your shoes and keys and whatever else you need when you leave the house because we are now leaving." I look at Johnny, he probably can tell that I'm scared for what's coming, just by looking at me. He hasn't even showed me a picture, all I know is that the guy is called Mark Lee. "I'm going to ruin it." I sigh. "No you're not, believe in yourself. Just relax and have fun." Johnny has been trying to calm me down for the past 2 hours, and it doesn't work.
"We're here." The car stops in front of some cute café. "What does he look like? How do I know which person to go to?" Johnny just smiles. "I showed him a picture of you, he'll recognise you when you walk in. Now go!" I take a deep breath and get out of the car, I wave Johnny a goodbye before walking in. I look around to see if there's any guy alone, but there are more than just one. Which one can be Mark? A guy waves and smiles at me, I walk closer. "Are you Mark Lee?" I asked him. "Yes that's me, you must be y/n. Nice to meet you." His smile is adorable.
I sit down and don't do much, it was quiet. An awkward silence between the 2 of us. "Y-you want to order something?" Mark asks breaking the silence. "Sure." Is all I said. Why am I like this? "Uh a mint tea, please." Mark gets up and makes an order. "They'll bring it. So y/n." He was nervous, just like me. But I don't blame him. "How are you?" He awkwardly asks. "I'm just nervous but Johnny said to relax and have fun but I don't know how. It's not your fault don't take this the wrong way, it's all just me." I said in 1 breath. "I'm happy I'm not the only one. I feel exactly the same."
We got our drinks and yet again there was a silence. This time I gathered all my courage to talk. "It's crazy don't you think? How Johnny set us both up for this date." Mark started blushing a little bit. "I think it's kinda crazy how we're both his friends and we never met before." It's true, I met almost all his friends but never Mark. Is there a reason why? "What do you actually do? Like are you in still a student or are you working?" Mark all of a sudden asks. "Well I have a weekend job at a local grocery store. And during the week I am a student, it's my first year of college. What do you do?"
"I'm a rapper. Part of NCT, didn't Johnny tell you?" I almost choked on my tea. "You're that Mark Lee? Oh I'm sorry I didn't know. I feel so stupid right now. Johnny told me about a Mark who raps and dances and everything but I never realised it's you." I just wished to disappear now. I embarrassed myself. "It's okay. Really." No it's not, how can I be so stupid. "What if we go outside and, I don't know we can do anything you want." Mark tried changing the topic. "Yes, that's fine."

NCT short imagines
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