Secret crush
Word count: 1094Jungwoo's POV
I was secretly staring at her from afar. Maybe not so secretly, she noticed me. My heart racing once she looks back at me. A smile showing and she waves at me. My heart melted at this view. "Go to her." Mark said. "What? No." I shook my head. "Why not?" He asks. "She doesn't like me in the same way. She only sees me as a friend." I tell him. "Why are you so sure? Taeyong asks. "Because she said to me: you're such an amazing friend! If that ain't clear how she thinks about it." I sigh. "She's coming this way." Yuta said.
"Hey Jungwoo!" She smiles. "Hello y/n, you were great before on the stage." I complimented. "Thanks. You guys were also amazing! I'll keep hoping for you to win next week." An awkward silence was followed. "Uh, I have to go now. Bye y/n." I turned around and walked away to the guys again. "What happened?" Johnny asks. "Nothing much." I tell him. "Then why is she standing there so lonely? You left her?" I didn't say anything. "Go back, look at her now." They slightly pushed me back her way.
"Hi, again." I smile. "Didn't you have to go?" Y/n asks. "We have still some time left I guess." What do I say next? "You maybe want to do something together, some time?" I asked shyly. "Sounds great! It's been a while." She seems happy. "But now I have to go. I still have another interview to do. I'll text you later, bye!" I watch her walk away and turn back to the guys, who are already cheering for me. "So you got a date?" They asked. "It's more something like friends but we're going to do something, some time."
"y/n texted me. She asks when and where we're going? What do I say?" I asked Jaehyun. "Text her back with where and when you're going out with her." I texted her the location of a nearby restaurant. "Would she like going there?" I question. "We all enjoy going there, why won't she?" I quickly got a response from her. "She asks if we can go tonight!" I was slightly panicking, it's so soon already. "Go for it!" I agreed with the hour she texted me. "What now?" I asked. "Stay calm. Be yourself and have fun with her tonight."
Y/N's POV"What do I wear tonight?" I asked one of my group members. "You're going out with Jungwoo?" She asks and I nod quickly. "Where are you going to?" I showed her the place. "Oh it's nothing to be too dressed up for. What style you want to be dressed like? Cute? Sexy? Classy?" I shrug. "How do I know? I don't even know if he likes me the same way. He probably thinks this is something like friends related, not a date."
"Let's try this, we can do your hair very simple and with some nice earrings and natural makeup. That must be perfect. He seems like someone who'd like a girl that's not too much but just right." I only got half of what she said but I started to get ready with her help. "You look so pretty! He'll totally love you!" Her words made me blush. "You really think so?" She nods. "Totally! Don't forget to enjoy it and have fun. And here and there a sign that you like him. Really if he now still doesn't realise, I'm coming over!" She jokes.
I arrived at the restaurant. Only a few seconds after I got out of the car, I hear my name. "Y/n, hey you're here!" It was Jungwoo. "Hi. Were you waiting outside for me?" I asked. "No, I just arrived. Now let's get inside, it's cold out here." He opens the door for me, he's so gentle. We sit at a table and get the menu. "Have you been here before?" I asked. "Yes, multiple times." He answers. "What do you think is the best? I really don't know what to get." He chuckles at what I said. "Let me order then."
Not much later we got our food. It already smells delicious. "Let it taste." He smiles. Once I started eating, I couldn't stop. "It's the best!" I exclaimed. "I'm happy you like it. I was kinda worried you won't like it here." Jungwoo tells me. "Are you for real? No it's really great! I'm happy that you took me here." I said making him smile even more. "I know we just started this but there's this other place with the best desserts. If you want we can go there afterwards."

NCT short imagines
Fanfiction[[requests: closed]] OT21 Taeil Taeyong Johnny Yuta Kun Doyoung Ten Jaehyun WinWin Jungwoo Lucas Mark Xiaojun Hendery Renjun Jeno Haechan Jaemin YangYang Chenle Jisung