Word count: 956Y/N's POV
I walked out the school building to see my boyfriend waiting for me. I run in his arms. "Hendery!" He laughs hugging me back. "How was your last exam?" He asks. "I guess it went good. I could answer every question." I smile happy. "When do you know the results?" It almost looks like he's more nervous than I am. "Normally by the end of next week. And graduation is in 2 weeks." I smile all excited.
"My girl is so smart." He wipes away a fake tear. "You're probably going to your dream college." I shook my head. "I can't go to my dream college. My parents won't allow me. But there's one that I had in mind as second choice." Hendery's smile disappears. "What do you mean they won't allow you? But you can make your dreams come true, you can study for the job you always wanted to do." He didn't understand at all. "I can study the same thing at the other college. It's closer to home as well. I think my parents are just too scared to let me go."
"How are you feeling? Not too nervous?" My mom asks. "I'm fine, I'm happy." She looks at me and starts tearing up. "Don't cry, I'm just graduating." I hug her. Soon someone knocks at the front door. "Are you ready for your big day?" Hendery smiles. "Here these are for you. I wanted to give them later but I think they need some water." He hands me the flowers. "Oh Hendery. We were just about to leave. Come y/n get in the car." My mom doesn't like Hendery. Not because he's bad but because he's just a few years older than me. She and dad are also a few years apart so I don't get why she'd hate on Hendery for that.
"I see you there. And I'm sorry for her." I tell Hendery before getting in the car. I saw him walking to his own car driving to my school. Before I wasn't nervous at all but now. My hands are sweaty and my stomach hurts. I take a deep breath. "Are you alright y/n?" My dad asks. "Yes I'm fine." I lied. We arrived at school and I saw all the family of all the students. I said bye to my family before I went to my teacher where the rest of the students were. "Ah y/n here you are!" She said happy. "I think we're complete now. All of you, I'm so proud! I can't be more happy. Please go take a seat and enjoy your last minutes as high school students."
After a few teachers, the principal and a few students gave their speeches it was time. I'm finally going to graduate. All of a sudden I started thinking about not going to my dream college. That day I told Hendery, he couldn't stop talking about it. He knew how hard I worked for it. My teachers knew how hard I worked for it. But it's too late, I can't change anymore. My parents always decide for me. I just realise that. And why now?
I graduated, finally. I look through the crowd of people, but I can't find anyone. Someone picks me up and hugs me from behind. "Congratulations! I'm so happy for you! Let's celebrate this later." Hendery puts me back on the ground. He smiles and looks happier than ever. "Are you okay? You don't seem happy." He asks concerned. "No I am happy, don't worry. It's just. I don't think I realise it yet." He chuckles and kisses me.
"Y/n!" My mom. She doesn't sound happy with seeing this. But does she ever sound happy with anything I do? "Ma'am, I." I cut Hendery off. "Mom, I don't care what you're about to say. I love him, I don't care that you hate the fact that we're 2 years apart. You and dad have an even bigger age gap. You already took my college away from me, but that's not happening with Hendery." She was in shock. Of course she is, it's the first time ever that I talk against her. It's the first time I talk about how I think about something and how I like it.
"Y/n, is that true? Aren't you in your dream college?" My teacher asks, I shook my head. "But your grades are amazing, they can't decline you. You're an amazing student. How?" I looked at my mom. "I'm sorry, that's my fault. Maybe I can get it right, I can call the campus and explain everything." I shook my head. "It's fine, don't even try to change me back."
"But babe, maybe you can still go." Hendery tries. "No, I don't want to anymore. It's too far away, I want to stay close by the people I love. And that's you." I hug him tight. "Are you still up to celebrate?" He asks. "Of course." I smile. "Follow me. Ah uh, is it okay if she comes with me?" Hendery asks my parents. "Of course. Take her with you, be happy together." I was surprised by mom's reaction. I said bye to some of my friends and left with Hendery.
We arrived at a big house. "Why are we here? I thought we'd go somewhere like a bar or something." He shook his head. "This is going to be better than a bar." He takes my hand and we walk inside. A big banner took my attention. "Congratulations with your graduation!" I read out loud. "Oh my god thank you!" All of the guys and some friends where standing in front of us.
A/N: A wise man once said: age doesn't matter!
I know this was again a little short but I tried(?) haha💚🌱Next:

NCT short imagines
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