a dare

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a dare
Word count: 978


"Okay y/n, truth or dare?" My friend asks. "Truth." I say, what could go wrong with that. "Who's your crush?" I know I was blushing by now. "Park Jisung." I confess hiding my face in my hands. "Really omg, that's cute!" I could not believe what my friends just said. "Really?" I asked a bit insecure. "Yes! You like someone and he's definitely not wrong." I chuckle. I asked someone the truth or dare question. A few rounds passed as someone asked me again. "Dare." I decided to switch things up. "Go out with Jisung. I actually don't even dare you I just want you to. You have his number?" I nod slightly. "Text him."

Jisung's POV

My phone lit up. It was y/n, it's already late why'd she text me? I just answered back and see what will happen. "Wah, is she for real?" I mumble after reading her text. "What's wrong?" Chenle asks, I show him my phone. "Y/n asked you out? Go for it! You like her don't you." I quickly text her back telling her I'd love to go out with her. It made my heart beat faster. I can't wait to see her!

4 days before the date

"Hey y/n." I say when she walks through the school gates. "Hey Jisung! How are you today?" She asked sweet. "I'm great. About last night, I really can't wait for our date. I'm happy you asked me out." We both blush. "I also can't wait, I see you later. I have to get to class now." She walks away and I just stare at her. "Can you believe it that she asked me out?" I said happy. "I can believe she's the one who had to ask but I can't believe that she did that. I didn't even know you 2 were friends. But I'm happy for you."

3 days before the date

"Y/n, I have a question." I asked her, she was sitting with her friends at the lunch table. She looked at them first and then back at me. "What is it?" She sounds not that happy or cute anymore like how she usually would talk to me. "About our date Friday." We went somewhere more private. "What is it about our date? You can still come right?" Her voice sounds softer again, it's strange. "Of course I can still come. But do we go right after school and what do you want to do? I'll take you wherever you want." She looks at me with sparkling eyes. "After school sounds good and take me wherever you like. I'm not that typical girl who wants everything fancy."

1 day before, Y/N's POV

"How is everything going? You know the deal when you succeed your dare." I nod at my friends their words. I feel guilty that I'm doing this to Jisung and myself as well. I hate to do this. But I can't back out now. "Y/n!" Jisung waves at me, I really want to wave back but the girls are around. I have to act tough. I just roll my eyes and turn my back to him. "He'll hate me after this. Why are we doing this? Can't I just date him and be nice?" They shook their heads. "It's the dare. I don't think you want to lose.

Jisung's POV

"Jisung, are you okay?" Chenle worries. "Y/n rolled her eyes at me and ignored me. I just said hi, what did I do wrong?" I asked confused. "You did nothing wrong. I'm sorry to say it but I heard them say something about a dare. I think she's just playing you." This hurts to hear. I actually thought she likes me back. I shook my head. "She's always so nice, why'd she do this all of a sudden?" I questioned. "I don't know, I'm sorry man."

"Jisung, I need to talk with you. It's important. Why are you ignoring me, I just want to talk." I was ignoring the whole lesson long. And she still kept going after class finished. "I don't want to hear it. I know what's going on. I'm just a stupid dare. You don't actually like me." I sigh frustrated. "No, Jisung no. I actually like you, the dare is that I have to act like I'm not interested in you that I actually don't want to go out. But believe me I really want to, I've liked you ever since that day you helped me out in the library and stayed until late." She confesses.

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