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N.Yuta Bad day Word count: 1120 Angst; with a bit of a good ending(?)
I look around in our apartment. I have nothing better to do. Yuta's at work, like usual. I can't go because of my ankle that I hurt last week. No work for 2 weeks said the doctor. Here I am. Only now I realise how much fun I actually have when working. No one of my friends are available, of course they are at work now. I'm going crazy being inside, I hate it so much. I'm someone who enjoys going outside. I let out a deep sigh. This is nothing for me.
The phone rings, I look at the caller. It's my mom. She never calls when she's at work. "Hello? Mom, what's wrong?" I asked assuming something was wrong. And I was right, I hear her crying. "What happened?" I asked in panic. "I'm in so much pain, please come and help me." Hearing her like this makes me almost cry. It breaks my heart. The woman I love the most and care the most about is in pain. "I'm coming, can you tell me what's wrong?"
I got up from the couch and took my car keys. I know I'm not supposed to drive yet but I have to. I keep calling with my mom, I'm scared if I end the call something worse will happen. I arrived at her house and opened the door as quickly as possible. She was next to the couch in pain still crying. "Come here." I hugged her first. A sign to her that everything will be alright. "I'm bringing you to a hospital." I help her stand up and bring her to my car.
I was waiting for anyone to tell me more. Mom needed to take some scans. "Tell me more now. How is my mom doing?" I asked the nurse who's walking out the room my mom's in. "We took some scans. We'll bring her to her room and get her some medication for the pain." I sigh, I practically don't know much more. That's always in hospitals. It's frustrating. I got a phone call from Yuta. Please don't tell me he needs a hospital too.
"What's wrong Yuta? I don't have time." I said. "Why? Are you hurt again?" He asked, already worried. "No, my mom's in hospital. They're finding out what she has." I tried not to sound too sad and hurt. I don't want him to worry about me too. "If you or your mom need anything just call me okay. I just wanted to say I might be home later. But if you need me I can come home." He tells me. "No it's fine. Don't worry. Bye babe, love you."
"So it's nothing extreme. We got you the right medication. We just want to keep you here for a night to check on you. If it's better tomorrow, you can leave again." The doctor explains to me and my mom. "You're fine now, good god!" I hugged her. "Thank you for bringing me here sweetheart. I'm lucky to still have you." Mom thanks me. I stayed until the visiting hours were over. I wanted to make sure she doesn't feel too lonely and will be fine. "Bye mommy. Be careful, tomorrow I'll be back." I tell her.
I went back to my car and got in. I don't leave yet, I couldn't. My thoughts were somewhere totally different. Mom's words spooking through my head, I'm lucky to still have you. If dad was still here, he'd be taking care of her. He'd be helping her all the time. He'd make her laugh and make her feel loved, like he always did. I miss him so much, I don't know what would've happened if mom didn't call me. Would she still be laying in pain on the floor? All these thoughts making me cry again. I'm too weak for this world.
I got home again, still no Yuta to be found. He'd be home a little later but this is really late. I check my phone, a missed phone call and some texts from Yuta. Great now he's also going to a restaurant with the guys. He won't be home soon. I just need him right here next to me. Now not tomorrow or whenever he's free. I need his love, his warm hugs and sweet words to calm me down. Where is he when I need him? I start crying again. I'm such an emotional person. Is it because of my rough past? I don't know, but it's definitely not fun to be things fragile.
My ankle was hurting so bad as well, the driving was a bad idea. I limp to the bathroom and opened the drawer with the medicine. I take the painkillers and a glass of water. I take one, because of my ankle. I looked at all these pills. Would I do it? No. My life ain't that bad. It's just been a difficult day, it will be better tomorrow. I looked at myself in the mirror. The tears still flowing down my cheeks. Memories coming back from my youth. Making me cry more. I hesitate to take more pills, I want them. But I'll let down so many people. I don't want them to be sad because of me.
— Yuta's POV
I arrive at home, the lights still on. Is y/n still awake? At this hour? "Y/n? Baby, I'm home." I got no response. I go to the bedroom, she wasn't sleeping. In the kitchen and the living room was also no one. Only one place she can be, the bathroom. Maybe she fell asleep when taking a bath. But I was completely wrong. She was sitting against the bathtub, head in her hands as she was crying. On the sink some medicine. Did she take them? I sit next to her and hold her close to me.
"Baby, I'm here. Please calm down, don't cry. How many painkillers did you take?" I asked. "Only one for my ankle." She mumbles. "Then why are you crying like this?" I asked. "I wanted to take all of them. I'm so sorry." She's sobbing. "Don't be sorry. Really don't. You want to talk about it?" She shook her head. "That's totally fine. If you're ready to talk you can always tell me. But now, just know that I love you. I'm here for you no matter what." I kiss her forehead a few times. Her cries and sobs fading. She fell asleep, I carry her to our bed and lay next to her. Watching her sleep and hearing her light snores.
~ A/N: this was very long and pretty sad. If this made anyone uncomfortable, my apologies. And if anyone is feeling down or wants to talk, you can DM me, I have no problem with that and I'd like helping where I can. 💚🌱
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