thirty six

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"Lauren, please, dont do this.." Colby said as i packed my clothes from his closet into my suitcase,
"Colby, I love Gus with my entire heart, thank you for giving me somewhere to stay while i got my life back together.." I smiled and pecked his cheek,
"Lauren hes not good for you, he cheated on you, he hurt you, hes a fucking drug addict for fucks sakes!" He scoffed and i chuckled,
"You gotta love someone past their flaws, he's got a heart of gold." I said as i packed my last shirt,
"Lauren I still love you..." He stood in front of me, his eyes saddened by my news of leaving, i sighed,
"Colby you have a girlfriend..."
"I was going to leave her for you, you're telling me these three weeks haven't meant anything?" He crossed his arms together and i bit my lip,
"Of course they did, you helped me.."
"Lauren you always use me when you're lonely and have no one else, i'm done picking up your pieces, you know i love you and you take advantage of that.." He sat on the bed and i sat next to him,
"Colby you were my first love, and well, you shaped me, and i still love you Colbs, i always will, but my love for Gus is irreplaceable..." I reached for his hand and he held mine, "Lauren can you just kiss me one last time..?" I shut my eyes and leaned in, pressing my lips on his, kissing him softly, my hand cuffed his cheek and he held onto my waist, he kissed me harder and pushed me down on the bed, leaning over me as he pressed kisses down my neckline, i moaned and shut my eyes, quickly i pushed him off, standing up, "I have to go, Gus is outside." I grabbed my suitcase and left the house.

''Colby take the news well?'' Gus chuckled looking at the brown haired boy standing outside by the door, he looked sad, i gave him a sympathy sad smile, he didn't do it back, he wasn't wrong to feel the way he did, i did seem to use him quite often, but i truly did feel love for him and i would have ended up with him if it wouldn't have been for Gus to have entered my life. ''Whatcha thinking about?'' Gus asked once we drove off and i hadn't spoken, ''Not much, just feel bad,'' i turned and sighed staring at Gussy, my hand reaching to play with his hair as he drove, he immediately smiled, ''I love that Laury.'' I continued to do so until we reached his apartment.

''I'm so happy we're living together again, you don't even know lonely I've been..'' Gus said as he placed my suitcase in the living room, ''And you're starting work again, that sexy outfit is going to do us wonders.'' He smirked as i chuckled, ''Mile high club am i right?'' I winked at him, he leaned over to me kissing me softly as he picked me up and placed me onto the living room couch, he leaned over me and pressed his lips softly on mine, i moaned at the kiss, the idea of Gus and i being finally happy filled my serotonin levels, i kissed him back with so much joy.

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