Chapter 1

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Aizawa POV:

I was walking down the hallway to my classroom. The bell was going to ring in a few minutes. I don't want to deal with those problem children today. I have a splitting headache and incredibly thin patience.

I was almost to the door as the bell rang. It felt like my head was being thrown against the concrete. They'd all better be in their seats when I get there. I opened the door to see that they were, but they were lightly chattering among themselves. I walked over to my podium.

"I ask that you all please be quiet today. I have a pounding headache." They all sat there silently. I sighed with relief and started teaching. "Today I will be putting you all in teams of two. You will be patrolling the parts of town that I assign you. Both partners will do what they can to fight villains and protect the people. When you come back tomorrow, you will be writing a paper on what you learned. The written part will be done individually."

They all still said nothing. I was glad about this. I just wanted to take a nap. "The partner list is hung up next to the door. Next to your names are the parts of town where you'll be patrolling. Go take a look at it." They all got up and ran over to the door. The screeching of the chairs and the stomping of their feet hurt my head. "Quiet!" They all slowed down.

I grabbed my sleeping bag, ready to climb in it when I heard Bakugo yell "You've gotta be fucking kidding me!" I held my head in pain. Iida tried to shush him. Bakugo walked up to me.

"Why do I have to be paired with that half and half idiot! He's only going to get in my wa-" I put my hand over his mouth. "Quiet! Look, I paired you two up because pros don't always like who they're working with. You don't have to like him, but you need to learn how to work together. Understood?"

I felt his lips snarl under my hand. He glared at me and nodded. I slowly took my hand from his mouth. "All of you can go get your outfits on. When you're all done for the day, just go back to the dorms. I just need to lay here and sleep." I climbed in my sleeping bag and zipped it up. I fell asleep shortly.

Todoroki POV:

I never got to see the list because of everyone standing in front of me. Thanks to Bakugo's reaction, I could tell who I was with. I wasn't too pleased about this either, but I had no other choice. He was leaving the room with the rest of the class, so I did too. I walked up to him.

"So where are we patrolling at?" I asked him.

"Why should I know?"

"I just thought that since you saw that we were paired up, you probably saw our location."

"I didn't get to see it."

"Because of your little temper tantrum?"

His face grew furious. Be grabbed my shirt collar and yanked it towards him. I wasn't surprised at all. I didn't even change my expression.

"Listen here, you little shit! I want nothing to do with you! Just don't talk me during this whole thing, you icy hot bastard!" He threw me to the ground. By now, I was also mad.

I quickly stood back up and swung at him. I hit him in the face. He looked at me with his eyes filled with anger. "Die!" He leaped at me, and knocked the both of us to the ground. We punched and kicked each other until a few of our classmates pulled us apart.

Bakugo struggled to escape, but they held on tight. I just stood there, not seeing a point in resisting. Midoriya came between the two of us. "Guys, stop! You're acting like children! I know you don't like each other, but you're stuck together the rest of the day."

By now, Bakugo had stopped. He just glared at me as Midoriya was talking. His friends let go of him, and I was also released. "Bakugo, I'm going to go see where we're stationed."

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