Chapter 15

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Bakugo POV:

"No!" I screamed.

I watched as his the surface of Rewind's neck cracked and fell apart. His eyes and jaw were wide open, probably from the pain. I only stood there, crying and watching in horror. I couldn't tear my eyes from the scene in front of me no matter how much I wanted to look away. I watched as the decay quickly spread throughout his entire body.

Rewind turned his head looked me dead in the eyes. My body froze and stiffened as we held eye contact. He looked like he was pleading for me to help him.

Rewind reached his arm out towards me. No later than that, it broke off and fell to the ground. The rest of his body collapsed into a pile of dust.

I screamed at the top of my lungs and cried. I wanted to get out of here. I wanted to forget everything that just happened.

"Now that I've given you some trauma, I'll ask again. Join us!" Shigaraki chuckled.

"No, we won't join you! Leave us alone!" I shouted. I tried to get away from Toga's grasp, but she yanked my hair again.

"I'm getting real tired of this shit!" Shigaraki yelled as he started digging at his neck. "If he won't join us, then there's no reason to keep him alive!"

Toga laughed and pulled the knife away from my neck. She brought it up, getting ready to stab me. I kicked and screamed trying to get away, but it was no use. I was helpless.

"Don't hurt him!" Ashido screamed. She started running towards me, but was blocked by Shigaraki. He tried to use his quirk on her, but she dodged at the last second.

"Toga, kill him already!" He yelled.

I saw the knife hurdling towards me. I held still and closed my eyes. This is how I was going to die. I was going to die as a weak and helpless child who couldn't do anything to fight back. I stood there and waited for death. However, death never followed. After a few very long seconds, I managed to opened my eyes. The knife was stuck in place, only a few inches away from my head.

"Why can't I move my arm!?" Toga said. "It's like someone is holding it back!"

"That's because I am!" Said Hagakure. "Give up while you can! I already contacted the pros!"

Toga let go of my hair, and I fell to my knees. My head was throbbing where she was holding me. I looked back at her, and saw that she was rubbing her cheek. Hagakure probably punched her so that she'd let go of me.

"Bakugo, get away before you get hurt!" Hagakure said.

"How could you all let her out of your sight!?" Shigaraki yelled.

"Well, technically she was never in our sight because she's invisible." Twice said. "Hey, where'd the invisible girl go!?"

"Just get them before the heroes show up!" Shigaraki told them.

All of the villains closed in on us and charged at the girls. Toga kept swinging her knife in every direction as she tried to find Hagakure. I sat there frozen with fear. The only visible movement that could be seen from me was my shaking. I felt useless.

I saw a large figure approaching me on my left. I turned my head and saw Twice.

"Hey there little buddy, I'm not gonna hurt you. Now get over here!" He said as he got closer.

I was finally able to move, so I stood up and started to run. Unfortunately, I tripped over a tree root and fell to my stomach. I felt a hand wrap around one of my ankles and drag me back. My legs were lifted off the ground, and soon the rest of my body was too.

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