Chapter 2

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Deku POV:

  Nothing interesting had happened during our patrol. I was paired with Uraraka. We walked for a while trying to find a villain, but had no luck. "You know Deku, I thought there was going to be a lot more action than this."

  "I was too. I guess that since we're still students, we weren't given very big missions."

  "Yeah, that makes sense. But still, I want to fight some people and prove myself."

  We saw a woman run up to us. She had a light pink dress and short brown hair. She looked tired and scared. "You two look like heroes. Please, you have to help them!"

  "Help who?" I asked.

  "The other two heroes! Please!" Other two heroes? Does that mean two of our classmates?

  "Where are they at?" Uraraka asked.

  The woman pointed behind her. "That way! On your right, there will be an old building with a broken down door!"
  "Thanks! Uraraka, let's go!" We started running. I know that our classmates can handle themselves, but it's better to check than leave them hurt. We ran for a few minutes, but saw no broken doors. Finally, we came across one. "There!" Uraraka shouted.

Todoroki POV:

  I slowly start to wake up with my whole body hurting. I saw the villain's feet in front of my face. The fog was all gone. "So you're finally awake." I felt his hand grab the back of my suit and lift me up. My feet were dangling in the air. Why did I feel so high up?

  I slowly lifted my head to face the villain. It took most of my energy to do so. When I saw his face, he was smiling. He threw me, and my back hit the wall. I fell to the ground and let out a gasp of pain.

  "Stop that!" I heard a voice to my left. I looked over to see Midoriya and Uraraka. I had to help them fight. I slowly got to my knees. My costume didn't seem to fit right. It seemed much more roomy. I looked at my hands. My sleeves reached the ends of my fingers. Normally, they reached the middle of my arm. What was going on?

Deku POV:

  Am I going crazy, or was that Todoroki that the villain just threw? I'll have to worry about that after I fight. I looked over to see that the villain had a small smile on his face. "Had I known that more people were coming, I wouldn't have used that much of my quirk. Oh well, I'm sure we'll meet again!" He ran away from us and jumped out the window. "Stop!" But he didn't listen.

  I quickly went over to what seemed like Todoroki and crouched next to him. He was looking at his hands in his overgrown jumpsuit. This was definitely Todoroki. "Hey, are you okay?" He looked up at me. He didn't have his scar. "Midoriya?" He seemed surprised by his own voice. Uraraka came over to us.

  "Todoroki, where is Kacchan?" He looked around the room and pointed to a corner with debris everywhere. "I saw him land over there."

  "Thanks. Uraraka, can you ask him questions?" She nodded. I got up and went over to the corner. "Kacchan?" There was no answer. I got a little closer and saw him. "Kacchan!"

  I got down next to him. He was also smaller, and his left leg was under the debris. I slowly moved it off of him. He was still unconscious. I moved him out and checked his pulse. Luckily his heart was still beating. He started to cough and slowly sit up.

  "Kacchan, are you okay?"

  "Deku! Leave me...alone? Why do I sound like this?"

  He looked up at me, then down at his legs. His shirt covered most of them. The sleeve of his tank top slid off his shoulder. He quickly pushed it up, and it fell back down.

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