Chapter 12

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Deku POV:

I could hear whispers of voices as I started to wake up. My eyes slightly opened. I saw Todoroki and Kacchan sitting by my feet. They were talking to Mr. Aizawa and All Might. I yawned as I woke up more. The kids shot their heads over to me, and their eyes lit up. They laughed and crawled over to me.

"Deku, you're awake!" Kacchan yelled. He sounded so happy.

"Yeah. I'm awake now. How long was I out for?" The kids shrugged their shoulders, but Mr. Aizawa answered.

"You were out for about an hour and a half. You look like you're doing better, though."

"Yeah." I said as I sat up. My body was sore, but it was barely noticeable. The kids gave me a hug and didn't let go.

"Young Bakugo and Todoroki were telling us about what happened. I'm so sorry that we weren't there." All Might said.

"No, it's fine." I told them. "None of this was your fault."

"When we heard about what happened," Aizawa started, "we came down as fast as we could. You were in such horrible condition that they didn't allow any visitors yesterday. We're having a meeting with the rest of the faculty later about security."

"And luckily this wasn't public." All Might said. "The press can't know about another villain attack at UA. We already have a bad enough reputation as it is."

UA has been attacked by villains multiple times. The whole reason for us moving into the dorms was so that the teachers could keep a better eye on us. If word got out that we're still getting attacked, that might mean the end of UA.

The door opened, and I was pulled from my thoughts. I turned my head and saw Recovery Girl walk in.

"How are you feeling?" She asked.

"I feel great! Thanks!" I replied.

She came over to me and cut off my bandages. My left eye had to adjust to being in the light.

"I want you take it easy and relax for a bit. Don't do anything extreme today. If you need anything else, don't be afraid to stop by my office." She said as she walked back to the door.

"Okay! Thanks again!" I called out.

She left the room, and I got out of the bed. It felt good to stretch my legs again. Soon, a thought crossed my mind.

"Wait, what about class?" I asked.

"You're always so focused on your schoolwork, young Midoriya. Well, don't worry about it today. It's Saturday." All Might said.

Some relief rushed over me. At least I didn't miss anything.

"We're going back to the school now. Get better soon." Mr. Aizawa said as he walked out the door. All Might followed behind him.

I saw a pair of clothes and my shoes on the table in the corner of the room. I changed real quick, then turned to the boys.

"Are you two ready to go?" I asked. They nodded their heads and crawled to the edge of the bed. I walked over to them. I picked each of them up, and placed them on the ground. I was still a little weak, so I couldn't carry both of them.

They grabbed my hands, then we left. We checked out of the hospital and took a bus. It didn't go directly to the school, so we had to walk the rest of the way. At least it was a nice day outside. Kacchan and Todoroki eventually needed to take a break when we reached the school's property. I let them sit next to me on a bench.

I also had to catch my breath. I was still tired from the healing, but I couldn't let them know that. I'm sure they still feel bad about getting me wrapped up in the fight. So, I'm just going to have to play it tough until they're not looking.

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