Chapter 29

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Tiny Shiggy Tiny Shiggy Tiny Shiggy Tiny Shiggy Tiny Shiggy Tiny Shiggy Tiny Shiggy

Shigaraki POV:

After Kurogiri took my place as leader, Toga forced Rewind to go with her to get me some things for the week. I found it to be a waste of money considering the fact that after I'm back to normal, I'm pretty sure we're just going to throw everything out. I would have been fine wearing my overgrown shirt the entire time I'm like this.

We're broke enough as it is, but I think Toga just wanted to go shopping. She may be a blood-thirsty psychotic killer, but she's still just a teenage girl. She forced Rewind to go with her because no one should recognize him, and he knew more about the effects of the quirk.

While they were gone, the other guys at our base followed me around. They were told to "watch me," but I think they're taking it a little too literally. It made me realize how little time we spend with society.

They would make all comments on how small I am, and Dabi found it the most amusing to poke fun at my size. I think he liked having a sense of authority over me, like as an older brother of some sort. I would have punched him in the face, but it wouldn't have done anything.

Kurogiri was the only one who acted semi-normal with me. He would mainly do his own thing and not worry about me, or at least he didn't until I complained to him about the others. For that, he picked me up and told the guys to "play nice" with me.

No matter how much I struggled to get down from his arms, it didn't faze him in the slightest. The others snickered at my failed attempt to get down on my own, so Kurogiri put me down willingly.

After having enough of them, I stormed off to my room in hopes of being alone for a while. Eventually, Toga and Rewind came in by practically bursting the door open. Well, Toga was the one who barged in. Rewind just followed behind her with an exhausted look on his face. I don't think that shopping was his thing.

They put the shopping bags down, then Toga grabbed a random set of clothes from them, which happened to be a t-shirt and overalls. They were way too childish for my liking, and I would have rather died than be seen in them.

"I'm not wearing that." I growled.

"Pretty please?" Toga asked. "It'll look so cute on you!"

"No way!" I yelled. That was even more of a reason why I didn't want to wear it.

"Just put it on." Rewind said. "We could have gotten you an All Might onesie instead. I know how much you love him."

"Fuck off!" I said. I ran to the door to leave, but Rewind beat me to it and shut it before I could.

"Just put the damn clothes on." He said. He bent over to grab me, but I ran away from him.

"Never! I'd rather die!" I said.

The two of them ended up chasing me around the room, and it seemed easy to get away from them at first. My small body gave me an advantage in dodging them. But then again, I had to take more steps than them to get anywhere, so I was depleted of energy quickly. My footsteps became heavy and slow, and I ended up falling to my stomach by tripping over the front of my shirt.

The two of them took that chance to grab me, then they forced me into the outfit. I have to admit, it made me feel a little less small when I was in some clothes that fit me properly. But at the same time, it pissed me off to be in something this stupid looking. Toga smiled like she was proud of herself, then sat down and took some other things from the bags, which appeared to be toys.

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