Chapter 4

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Bakugo POV:

  It had been a few hours since we got here. The rest of the class should be here any minute now. I could only imagine how much they were going to make fun of me, and I couldn't do a thing about it. I was laying on the ground in front Deku in the common area. Todoroki was sitting in a chair, while Deku and Uraraka were on couches.

  I heard the front door open and I quickly sat up. Uraraka got up from her seat and walked over to greet everyone. I looked up at Deku. He mouthed the words 'Wait here' to me and Todoroki. Deku got up and walked over to the group. He started talking to them. He was probably explaining what happened to us.

  He walked back over shortly. "You two can come over now." I stood up and walked next to him as he headed over. Todoroki walked on the other side of him. I looked at my feet the entire way. I didn't want to look at any of them in the eyes. I could hear some people quietly saying "Aww!" and I think that someone was trying not to laugh.

  We stopped in front of them, and I finally managed to look up. Everyone was staring at us. I was right about someone laughing. Kaminari was covering his mouth with a huge smile on his face. I sighed and walked a little closer to the group. "Is something funny? Go ahead! Tell me!"

  "You're cute!" He said between snorts of laughter. I felt my face grow hot with anger and embarrassment. "Stop laughing or I'll kill you!" By now, he couldn't hold it in any longer. He started laughing.

  "Sorry, Bakugo! I just can't take you seriously right now!" Kaminari said as he laughed. I felt my fists tighten up.  "Stop it!" I yelled. Tears of anger started to appear in the corners of my eyes. He started to calm down now, so I stomped over to him. "Sorry, Bakugo." He said as he picked me up. He was still chuckling.

  I started to wiggle around trying to get down. "Bakugo, I'm going to drop you!" He held on tighter, making it almost impossible for me to move. I gave up and sat there. I crossed my arms and growled. "Just don't treat me like a little kid, because I'm not one!" I said angrily.

  "Whatever you say, little Bakugo." He said in a voice that's used for kids. "Now put me down!" I yelled. Kaminari put me down and I stuck my tongue out at him. Mineta walked up to me now. "Wow! It looks like I'm not the shortest one here anymore!" He was right. My eyes came up to his collarbone. I had to look up to see Mineta!

  He pat my head and laughed like he was proud of himself. "Stop laughing! It's not funny!" I walked backwards go get away from him. I saw Todoroki walk up next to me.

  "You really have to do something about your anger."

  "Don't tell me what to do, Icy Hot!"

  "See? You're getting angry again."

  "Stop talking!"

  I grabbed the collar of his shirt in my fist and started hitting him. He fought back and started pulling my hair. We fell to the ground, continuing to fight. We kicked and hit until we heard a loud whistle. We looked up to see Deku with his fingers in his mouth. Even our classmates looked at him. He walked over to us.

  "Please stop! There's no need to fight. Stand up and apologize to each other." I let go of Todoroki and stood up. He did the same. I looked down at the floor and talked through my teeth. "I'm sorry."

  "I'm sorry too." He sounded bitter and upset. I looked up at him. He had his hands in his pockets, and he was glaring at me. "Will you boys stop fighting now?" I looked back up at Deku. He sighed and got closer to the group to talk to the them. I sat down on the ground. "This is going to be Hell."

  "You know Midoriya told you not to swear anymore."

  "Hell isn't that bad of a word!"

  "But it's still considered a swear word."

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