Chapter 7

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Deku POV:

  Since I wasn't doing the assignment, I sat quietly in my seat during class. I doodled in my notebooks, stared out the window, and scrolled through my phone. During most of class, you could hear the kids mumble as they played in the back.

  Occasionally, one of them would laugh. It took everything we had to not laugh as well. You could hear snorts around the room as people tried not to crack up. Even Mr. Aizawa had to turn away at some points.

  After class got out, everyone turned in their papers and left for lunch. Uraraka and I went up to Mr. Aizawa.

  "Midoriya and Uraraka, I understand that you couldn't do the assignment due to your classmate's mistakes. I'm just going to let you off the hook. You don't have to worry about the assignment."

  "Wait, what!?" Uraraka said. "But you said that you were going to talk to us about extra credit!"

  "That was just so I didn't have to listen to the others complain. I'm giving you two passing grades for the assignment. You are all excused now."

  I couldn't believe it! "Thank you so much, Mr. Aizawa!" I turned around to see how the kids were doing. They were still playing by the wall. I walked over to them. "Hey, are you two ready to go eat?" They nodded and put their toys away.

  They stood up and took my hands. We passed my Mr. Aizawa, who was starting to grade the papers. "Bye bye Mr. 'Zawa." They said.

  "Bye." He said as he was hiding his face behind the papers. He looked like he was silently panicking. We left the classroom and started walking to go get lunch. Again, people from other classes stared at us.

  "Well, it looks like the rumors were true!" Said a voice behind me. I turned around to face Monoma. He had his usual evil smile as he walked up to us. He didn't tear his gaze from Kacchan and Todoroki.

  "I heard people talking about someone from 1-A bringing kids into the school. One spiky blonde, and one half white and half red! Who else looks like that? Oh, I know! Class 1-A's two strongest students!" He started to laugh.

  I felt their grips tighten. "Please, just leave them alone."

  "Oh, are they scared? Scared that I could beat them in a two-on-one battle with my hands tied behind my back!?"

  I heard them whimper next to me. Now, more people started to stare at us. "I-I'm not s-s-scared of you, Monoma!" Kacchan yelled.

  "Oh really? Are you sure about that?" Monoma said as he stomped his foot on the ground. Kacchan jumped at this. I felt his grip release as he fell to the ground. He sat up and propped himself up on his elbows. He sat there shaking as he let out another small whimper.

  I got down on my knees. "Kacchan, are you okay?"

  Monoma let out a laugh. "Oh, isn't this grand!? 1-A's two strongest students have been reverted back into toddlers!"

  There were whispers around the hallway now as people watched. I held on to the kids. They were shaking bad.

  "Stop tormenting them!" I yelled.

  "What are they going to do, stop me!?" He laughed some more at his own 'joke'. Soon, he let out a small gasp as he passed out and fell to the ground.

  "No, but I will! Leave them alone!" Kendo said with an angry look on her face. She calmed herself and walked over to us. She crouched down and talked in a soft voice.

  "I'm really sorry about him. Here, let me help you up." She put her hands under Kacchan's arms and gently brought him to his feet. "You don't have to worry about him anymore, okay?"

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