Chapter 3

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Bakugo POV:

  I started to wake up. Was I dreaming that whole thing? I slowly sat up, letting my brain adjust to where I was. Was I in the common area? "Hey Kacchan. Are you feeling better?" I looked up to see Deku. Nope, that definitely wasn't a dream.

  Deku put his arms around me and gave me a hug. I hated him so much, and I didn't want him to touch me! However, I really liked this. He was warm, and the affection felt nice. He let go. I didn't want it to end. I wrapped my arms around his torso and didn't want to let go.

  He seemed a little surprised by this, but he hugged me again. I heard Round Face giggle at this, but I didn't care. I hugged him tighter. Soon, I heard a noise on the other side of him. I looked over to see Todoroki waking up.

  Deku let go of me with one of his arms and wrapped it around Todoroki as he sat up. "Hey Todoroki. How are you doing?"

  "I'm doing good." He said sleepily. Deku let go of us and stood up. He faced us and crouched down. "So you two are going to be like this for a while, okay?" I nodded my head. "While you two are like this, I was assigned to take care of you. Are you okay with that?" I nodded again. Todoroki said nothing, so he probably did so too.

  Deku put his hands on our shoulders. "I know you two don't get along, but please be good, okay?" He got in closer and hugged us both. It felt nice. Suddenly, I felt my stomach growl. Deku probably heard it. He pulled away and looked at me. "How about we get you something to eat?"

  "Okay." I still wasn't used to my voice being this high. Deku got up and walked towards the kitchen. I got off of the couch and followed him. Todoroki did too. As I walked,  everything looked so different. It was all so much bigger than before.

  I got to the kitchen and Uraraka sat us down in some chairs. We had to sit on our knees, or else we couldn't see over the table. "What do you two want to eat?" Deku asked. I wasn't really sure.

  "It's okay, I'll go see what there is." He left us with Uraraka as he went to the kitchen. Todoroki spoke to me. "So how are you dealing with all of this?" Even like this, I still hated him.

  "Don't talk to me. It's bad enough that I'm stuck like this. But why did I have to be like this with you of all people?" He shrugged his shoulders and said nothing.

  "Boys, clam down. Try not to fight." Uraraka said. I crossed my arms and turned away from them. Deku soon came back with some plates of food. He set them down in front of us. I looked at them to see that he had skinned and sliced some apples for us. He had to be joking with this.

  I sighed and picked one up. I was too hungry to care at this point. I brought it to my mouth and took a bite. Deku pat my head. "I'm going to go change now. Can you watch them real quick, Uraraka?"

  "Yeah, sure thing!" Deku left us with Round Face as he exited the room. Todoroki and I ate in silence.

Deku POV:

  I walled out of the kitchen. I went up to my room on the second floor. I quickly changed out of my hero costume and got into some pants and a t-shirt. I felt a lot better now.

  I went back downstairs. I wasn't even to the kitchen when I heard fighting and yelling. I went a little faster to see what was going on. When I got there, I saw Uraraka trying to keep Kacchan and Todoroki apart as they fought. They were hitting and kicking just like before, except now they looked even more childish with their small sizes.

  Uraraka looked at me when I entered. "Deku, they won't listen to me! Please help!" I walked over and got on my knees. I tried to pull them apart, but that didn't work. They kept going back to each other. "Guys, stop!" They didn't seem to hear me. I put my fingers in my mouth and whistled loudly. This seemed to get their attention, because they stopped and looked up at me.

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