Chapter 30

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Deku POV:

I woke up to the familiar sound of my alarm clock early in the morning. I reached over with a weak and tired arm to shut it off. I had barely gotten any sleep last night. I would constantly wake up, then it would take me forever to go back to sleep.

I groaned and forced myself to sit up. It was a school day, so I couldn't take my time. I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and got to my feet.

I went into the bathroom with heavy footsteps and took a cold shower to wake up, and it seemed to help a little. When I was done, I walked out and got into my school uniform. That's when I noticed the small night light sitting on my desk. I had turned it on last night as a little something to make me feel like the kids were still there.

I turned it off and started to wonder what class will be like today, and for the rest of my remaining years here at UA. Two of our strongest classmates were gone, so what's going to happen during training without them? I sighed and packed my schoolbag.

I guess I'm just going to have to worry about that when the time comes. I could already tell that it was going to be a long day, that's for sure. Not only for me, but for everyone in our class as well. All of this is going to take some getting used to. I can only imagine how much harder it is on the kids.

I walked out of my dorm room and headed down to the kitchen. There, most of my class was already seated and having breakfast.

"Good morning, Midoriya." Iida greeted me when I entered. "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Yeah, I slept fine." I lied with a fake smile. Iida sighed and adjusted his glasses.

"You know it's not good to lie, especially as a hero in training such as yourself."

"But how did you-" I started, but I was cut off.

"I see those dark circles under your eyes."

I was kind of surprised that he noticed them, because I didn't even see them myself in the bathroom earlier. I touched the tips of my fingers to under my eyes.

"Are they that noticable?" I asked. Iida nodded his head.

"Don't worry, it's nothing to be ashamed about. Most everyone here, if not all of them, didn't sleep well either. I myself didn't even get my usual eight hours in."

Iida brought his hand up and chopped the air a few times. "We mustn't dwell on the past now. We did what we could, and this is just how it ended up. I believe it is time you fuel your body to prepare for classes today."

"Okay, I'll be sure to get something to eat." I said.

I walked off to get some food, and the entire time while I was eating, I couldn't stop thinking about what he said.

I can't believe how selfish I've been. I was so wrapped up in my own emotions and grief that I never stopped to consider how everyone else felt! I should stop acting like I was the only one who missed them, because I know that everyone else did too, if not more than me.

When I was done eating, I put my dishes away and met up with Iida and Uraraka by the door. I slid on my red high tops, and the three of us started walking to school.

None of us said a word the entire way, and silence was really starting to get uncomfortable. Normally, one of us would try to make small talk, but there was nothing for us to say. I did my best to ignore it, but it made the walk seem even longer than it was.

Finally, we made it to the school. We walked in, and it seemed like every student in there immediately turned their heads towards us. They stared at us as we walked down the hallway, and I could make out whispers.

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