Chapter 31

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Shigaraki POV:

I woke up to someone nudging me. I groaned and pulled the covers over my head, only for them to be ripped off. I was now cold, which pissed me off. I sat up with ny teeth gritted.

"What the Hell!?" I yelled, my voice being many octaves higher than usual. That's when I remembered everything that happened yesterday.

"Good morning to you too, Tomura Shigaraki." Kurogiri said, unfazed by my small outburst.

I looked up, and everything around me was still huge. I relaxed my body and brought my knees up to my chest. This is all just something that I have to deal with for only a little while longer, or about six days to be exact.

I felt Kurogiri start to pick me up. I did everything I could to struggle out of his hands. I somehow managed to, and luckily I landed on the bed.

"I can walk myself." I growled.

I could tolerate having everything bigger than me. Even though it sucked, I couldn't control it. Being picked up and treated like I'm inferior, however, pissed me off more than anything right now. No one here needed to do it, because I'm still perfectly capable of walking and doing things on my own.

"As you wish, Tomura Shigaraki." Kurogiri said. He spun around on his feet and started walking to the door.

I went to the edge of the bed and turned around. It took me a little bit to get down, because I didn't feel like falling and hitting the hard floor. That would hurt a lot more than landing on my bed.

When I made it to the ground, I walked out of my room to find everyone. The hallways seemed to stretch on a lot further than before. By the time I found everyone, I felt like I had just ran somewhere.

I entered our base's makeshift living area, where Toga, Twice, Rewind, and Spinner were already seated.

"Morning, Tomura!" Toga greeted.

"It's about time you got up. I was hoping you died." Rewind said when I entered.

"Don't you mean you "thought," Tokei?" Toga asked.

"Sure, that too." He sighed.

"Kurogiri just went out, but I'm not sure when he'll be back." Twice said. "Oh, and Dabi went out with Compress earlier to see if they can find some more recruits."

"What!? You mean right now, while I'm like this!?" I said as I gestured to my body.

"Yeah, I hope they find someone," Rewind said. "I really want to see the looks on people's faces when they find out the most wanted villain in Japan has been regressed into a toddler!"

"That's why those two shouldn't have gone out without checking in with me about it first!" I yelled.

"Kurogiri said it was fine," Spinner said.

"Yeah, don't forget that you're not in charge right now." Rewind said. It seems like I'm constantly being reminded of it by him.

"Whatever." I scoffed.

I crawled up onto a seat next to Twice. Maybe that was a mistake, because he pulled me into a tight hug on his lap.

"Put me down, Jin!" I yelled.

"Sorry, little boss, but I couldn't resist!" He said. "Yes I could've!" He argued with himself.

He nuzzled the side of his face into my head. I tried to struggle out of his arms, but he only held on tighter. I realized that there was no hope for me escaping, so I stopped and sat just there. Jin loosened his hold on me just enough so I wasn't as uncomfortable.

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