Chapter 24

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Rewind POV:

I had to beat him once. Just one time, that's all I ask. I can't stand humiliation again.

I attacked Shigaraki without giving him a warning. I brought my right fist up to hit him, and had my quirk ready in case I needed to use it, which I might.

Shigaraki dodged to the side. He probably expected me to attack. Well, he dodged to the left, which was a stupid move. I brought my other hand forward and punched him right in the face, causing his 'Father' to fly a few feet away.

Everyone in the room gasped. We all know that if anyone causes harm to 'Father,' then Shigaraki will lose it.

Shigaraki looked at the hand on the ground, then slowly turned his head towards me. His body was shaking, but it was because of rage, not fear. His eyes and mouth were wide open, giving me the "What the hell did you just do?" look.

It wasn't often that I got to see his face, but it disgusted me every time I did. Yes, quirks affect one's body differently, but he still looked bad. I hated his crusty-ass face, and I wanted nothing more than to beat it into the ground!

"Tomura Shigaraki," Kurogiri said. "Would you like me to stop this?"

"No," Shigaraki growled. "If he wants another fight, then I'll give him one!"

He lunged in my direction and swiped his hand near my face in an attempt to touch it with all five of his fingers. I dodged it to the best of my abilities, and I was almost too slow. The tips of his fingers nearly grazed my face.

He was moving so fast- I guess I really pissed him off. I needed to find a chance where I could catch my breath.

"Will you two stop this already? It's starting to get old." Toga said as she sat on a table and dangled her legs back and forth.

"I completely agree," Twice sighed. "Oh my god! I wonder who will win!"

I felt a force go into my chest, followed by a sharp pain. Shigaraki had managed to get a hit on me, and damn he was strong. I think one of my ribs was just fractured.

I fell to the floor and landed on my back. He stomped his foot on my chest, and the pain increased. If my rib wasn't fractured before, then it sure as hell was now.

"I thought you said that you were going to beat me this time," he said. I could still hear dome rage in his tone.

I kept punching his leg to try and get him off me. I wanted to say something, but every breath I took felt like I was being stabbed with a knife. I don't think talking would be any better.

"Why do you even try?" he scoffed. "It's not like you could've beat me anyways. You're just a weak little brat!"

I stopped hitting him and froze. I never thought I would hear those words again...not after last time.


My family had a decent amount of money when I was growing up. We weren't rich or anything, but we had a little more money than others. It's all because my dad was a very popular and well known doctor.

His quirk allowed him to forward and reverse time on living things, so no objects or corpses. He even learned how to only affect certain parts of their bodies. He could reverse a part of someone to before they hurt, or quicken their healing process after surgeries.

He was always booked at the hospital, so I didn't get to see him too much. But when I did get to see him, he would spend every second with me and the rest of my family. For a man who was generally busy, he knew how to balance his work and family well.

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