Chapter 5

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Deku POV:

  I walked up to my room with Todoroki still in my arms. Kirishima followed me, still holding Kacchan. We walked through the door and sat the kids next to each other on my bed. Their eyes were locked on one another, completely filled with hate. They looked like they were going to throw more punches.

  "Hey, no fighting." They looked at me now.

  "Deku, why do we have to do this!?"

  "Because you two need to stop arguing. You're probably going to be stuck like this for a while, so you have to get used to it."

  Kacchan crossed his arms. "Fine. What are we doing?"

  Kirishima answered his question. "Well, you two are going to hang out until you get along." Neither of them liked this idea. They sat there and pouted. "Midoriya, I don't see a point in this. Bakugo and I just don't like each other!"

  I sighed. This was going to be a long night. "How about you both go play together as Kirishima and I sit here."

  "Are you and Shitty Hair really going to supervise us!? You have to be kidding me!"

  "Kacchan, what have we talked about?"

  "No more swearing."

  "Good. But yes, we're going to be watching you. If you two start to act up, we need to pull you apart. Now, go play."

  They got down and walked over to the toys. Kirishima and I sat on the bed. I was exhausted. "So Midoriya, what's it like being their babysitter all the time?" I flopped my back on the bed to lay down. "It's pretty tiring. Those two really keep me on my toes. But overall, I think it's fun."

  The kids played for a while. They argued once, but luckily we stopped them before it turned into a fight. I later checked the time. It was eight o'clock. Was that a reasonable time for kids to go to bed? I decided that it was. I walked over to the kids, and they looked up at me as I did.

  "Okay, I think it's time for bed now."

  "Awwwww!" They synchronized.

  "You two can play some more tomorrow."

  I went over to the closet to get them some pajamas. I went back to them and handed each of them a pair. "Here, change into these." They both took one, then I walked back to the bed. Not too long after, I heard Todoroki yell "Midoriya!" I looked up to see that he was stuck.

  I guess I had handed him a pair of plain black pajamas with a button-down shirt. He had forgotten to unbutton the top of it, so he couldn't pull his head through. "Midoriya!" I got up. "Hold on, I'm coming."

  I sat down on my knees in front of him. "Hold still, okay?" I unbuttoned the top three buttons so he could get his head through. I buttoned them back up when he had it on correctly. I smiled at him. "Better?" He nodded and gave me a hug. "Thank you, Midoriya!"

  I hugged him back, then pulled away. I looked behind me to see how Kacchan was doing. He was pulling on the front of his shirt with an upset look on his face. "Kacchan, what's wrong?" I turned my body around to face him. "My shirt doesn't feel right. I don't like it." He walked over to me.

  He had on a plain navy blue outfit with long sleeves and pants. He was still pulling on the front of his shirt. "Kacchan, can you turn around for a second?" He turned around, and I saw that the back of his collar was lower than the front. "I think I found your problem. You have your shirt on backwards."

  He turned back around to face me. I took his shirt off and put it on him correctly. Was I really going to have to help them get dressed from now on? I looked back at Kacchan. "Does your shirt feel good now?" Kacchan smiled at me. "Yep! Thanks Deku!"

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