Chapter 10

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Bakugo POV:

I woke up in a white room. When my eyes finally adjusted, I saw that I was in the hospital.

"Hey, you're finally awake!" Said a voice next to me. It startled me a little bit. I looked over and saw a few of my friends.

"Woah, sorry about that." Kirishima said.

"When did I get here? What happened?" I asked as I tried to sit up. My body still hurt a little bit, but not as much as I remember.

"No, you lay back down first. You need to relax." Ashido said. She put her hands on my shoulders and laid me down.

"Anyways," said Kaminari. "You've been here since last night. Do remember what happened?"

All of the events from yesterday flooded back into my memory. The villain attack, the fighting, everyone getting hurt, Deku getting his head smashed. That was the one thing that I couldn't get out of my head once I thought about it.

"Deku!" I screamed as I sat back up.

"Hey, lay back down." Ashido said.

"No! I have to see Deku!" I said. My breathing was heavy, and I felt tears go down my cheeks.

"Don't worry." Kaminari said. "He's sleeping right now."

"But he's okay?" I asked. Everyone nodded their heads. By body relaxed.

"Lay down now." Ashido said getting a little irritated. I laid down again, not wanting to know what happens when she gets upset. She pulled the hospital sheets up on me and wiped my tears.

"Everyone else is doing good." Sero said. "Uraraka and Todoroki are already awake. Iida is still unconscious, though."

I really didn't care that much. My main concern was about Deku. I wanted to be with him right now. I wanted to see that he was okay.

"Oh, and I thought you might want this." Kaminari said. He grabbed something next to him and held it out in front of me. He was holding my bear. I was about to sit up and grab it, but Ashido stopped me. I reached my arms out instead.

Kaminari put the bear in my hands. I grabbed it and held on to it tightly. It felt comforting. All of my emotions poured out at once. All of the anger, sadness, and fear that I was bottling down all came out. This was all followed by tears. Everyone looked like they were going to freak out.

"Hey hey, don't cry!" Kirishima said.

"It's okay." Ashido said as she brushed my bangs. I hugged the bear tighter and let the tears fall. Ashido sat next to me and tried to comfort me. She put my head into her side and proceeded to rub my arm.

"Shhhh. Calm down now, Bakugo." She said. I felt the tears slow down, but I still sniffled as I thought about Deku. I eventually stopped crying. No one said a word for the longest time. I don't think they knew what to say.

Later, the door opened. Everyone looked at it. I kept my head in Ashido's side and didn't bother.

"Oh good, you're awake. How are you feeling?" I heard Recovery Girl ask as she walked over.

"Good." I said as I wiped the leftover tears from my eyes. I looked over at her now.

"Do you still feel any pain?"

"Yeah, my body still hurts a little bit."

She started to write on a clipboard. She looked back up at me.

"You seem to be doing fine. We'll keep you here for tonight just to make sure. You should be good to leave tomorrow."

"Cool!" I said with excitement. I sat up again.

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