Chapter 8

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Deku POV:

School finally got out. For the most part, the kids were pretty well-behaved. They had to be separated a few times because of fighting. But other than that, they were pretty good.

As we walked down the hallways, we were stopped a few times by some students from other classes. Some made fun of them, and others called them cute. I don't think the kids liked either of these, especially Kacchan. You could tell how much he wanted to fight back.

We finally left the building and started to walk back to the dorms. About halfway there, I realized that I had forgotten my notebook on my desk. I stopped and looked down at the kids.

"I forgot something in the classroom. Do you two mind if we go back?" I asked.

"Yeah, that's fine." Todoroki said. Kacchan just stood there.

We turned around to head back. Along the way, we ran into Uraraka and Iida.

"Oh, hey Deku! Why are you going back?"

"I just forgot my notebook. I'm going to go get it."

"Do you mind if we join you?" Iida asked.

"Not at all! Come on, let's go."

Shigaraki POV:

"Remember the plan, everyone. We only have one shot at this. Kurogiri, open the warp gate."

"Yes, Tomura Shigaraki." Seconds after, a large dark purple portal opened in front of us.

"Oh, I can't wait to see Deku! Maybe I can get some of his yummy blood!" Toga said next to me.

"You're sick!" Twice said. "Ooh, let me help you!" He shouted as he pulled out a knife.

"No, you idiots! Stick to the plan!" I swear, these people drive me insane. But at least they get the job done, so I can't complain that much. We walked through Kurogiri's warp, and he shut it behind us. When we came out on the other side, we were standing behind a large tree and shrubbery.

"Are you sure this spot is safe? Are we out of the sight of surveillance?" Dabi asked.

"I can assure you we're fine." Kurogiri answered. "This spot is out of the sight of guards and cameras. It's also next to the path where the students will be walking. All we have to do now is wait."

And there we sat watching all the students walk down to their dorms. It seemed like forever. There was no sign of that green-haired pain in my neck.

"Where the hell is he!? I'm growing impatient!"

"Hold your horses, man-child." Rewind said. He was sitting on the ground with his back against the tree. He looked like he could care less about the mission.

"Get off your ass and look out for them!" I quietly yelled, as I didn't want to alert anyone.

"I'll get up when they come. Chill."

"Why, you stupid piece of shi-"

"Shhhhh!" Spinner said from one of the bushes. "They're coming. Get ready."

I kicked Rewind in the leg to let him know that it was time to stand up. He sighed and slowly got to his feet. He brushed the dirt off the back of his pants. We all got closer to the bushes to see how far the brat was.

There he was, holding the hands of the two younger ones. He was talking with a tall boy with glasses, and a girl with puffy brown hair. I didn't expect those two to be here, but it doesn't matter. There was no one else around, so at least they were outnumbered.

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