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(Firstly, I found a cute pic!)

I have a favor that I would like to ask all of you. (Read full thing before commenting plz)

Firstly, I suck a coming up with OCs. I came up with Rewind on a whim and didn't expect him to get any recognition- but that's besides the point!

I don't want to have to come up with a character and only use them for a minute before never seeing them again, because there's a few points where that's going to happen. So, I would like to ask any of you for help.

If you want to, can you please give me OC ideas? They can be something you come up with, or they can be your own OCs and have them make an appearance in here. I will @ your name for the chapter that I use them. I don't know how many I'm going to need, so I may or may not get to everyone.

I need some physical descriptions (hair, eyes, etc.), personalities and behavior, and possibly their quirk. I don't know if I'll get around to using their quirk, but put it down just in case.

Preferably no 2nd gen characters since everyone is still at UA, and they're minors.

Not all of the OCs will be featured as UA students. I have a few ideas on how I'm going to use them, though.

I'm pretty decent at drawing (I hope that didn't sound narcissistic!) So maybe I'll draw them too? I don't know yet, but tell me if you want me to.

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