Chapter 20

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Deku POV:

I woke up early the next morning because of sunlight peeking through my curtains. Something in the back of my head was telling me that I had to remember something important, but my mind was too foggy to think of anything. I laid there for a minute, trying to let my mind adjust.

I couldn't think of anything no matter how hard I tried. I was pulled from my thoughts because of a small movement at my side. I looked down and saw Todoroki and Kacchan curled up next to me. They looked so cute in their sleep.

Looking at them, I suddenly remembered what was going to happen today. They were going home. My heart sank as I thought of it. I wasn't ready to lose them yet.

Even still, it would be wise to have them spend their last few hours with the rest of the class. I would have to wake them up first, but right now they looked so peaceful in their sleep. They seemed so carefree and happy right now. I knew that was about to end as soon as I woke them and they realized what was about to happen. 

I sighed and sat up. I looked at the kids and saw their eyes flutter open as the bed shifted under my weight. They made annoyed noises as they tried to go back to sleep, still not realizing what's going to happen. 

Todoroki POV:

Something next to me started to move and caused me to wake up. I opened my eyes slightly and saw Midoriya sitting up in the bed. It felt really early right now, and almost like I hadn't slept in days. It was probably just because I still felt exhausted from yesterday.

I groaned at the idea of getting up and pulled the blanket over my head. It was soon taken off of me. I looked up and saw Midoriya with the edge of the blanket in his hand.

"Morning," he said.

I knew that he wasn't going to let me go back to sleep, so I slowly sat up and stretched.

I heard a small noise on the other side of Midoriya. I looked over and saw Bakugo yawning and rubbing his eye with his fist. I looked back up at Midoriya. He was staring down at the bed with a blank but sad expression on his face.

I tried to think of what might make him upset right now, but nothing came to mind. Maybe he just didn't sleep well?

"Kacchan, are you feeling better from last night?" Midoriya asked Bakugo.

"That's right, Bakugo had a nightmare last night. I think he said it was about Rewind's death-" My heart sank deep into my body. Rewind's death meant that we go home today. 

My eyes teared up a little bit, but I quickly wiped them away because Midoriya told us that he doesn't like seeing us upset. Crying right now won't do anything good for any of us. It will only make us feel worse.

"Todoroki, are you alright?" Midoriya asked me. I glanced up at him. He looked concerned.

"T-today's the day day w-we.." I just couldn't get the rest of the words to leave my mouth. It was almost as if there was something physically keeping me from saying them. My mind just didn't want to believe any of it. 

Midoriya's face told me he knew exactly what I was going to say. He wrapped his arms around me and Bakugo. I gripped his shirt in my fists as my heart started to race. I didn't want to leave so soon.

"You two are going to be okay." He whispered.  

A small part of me thought that he was right, and it was probably better for everyone if we left. In our current states, we were just in the way of everyone else.

The rest of me didn't want to believe him. I wanted to stay here with Midoriya and everyone. Even being here with Bakugo wasn't so bad.

Midoriya let go of us and slid out of the bed. He walked towards the door and turned on the light. I just couldn't think of anything other than what's going to happen.

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