Chapter 6

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Deku POV:

  I wake up in the morning to the sound of my alarm clock. I tried to sit up, but my arms felt heavy. I looked down and saw the kids cuddled up in my sides. I slowly slid my arms out from underneath them as I sat up. I got off the floor and walked over to my alarm clock to turn it off.

  The kids still weren't awake yet. I decided to go take a shower and let them sleep a little longer. I went into the bathroom and quietly shut the door. I got undressed and hopped into the shower.

Bakugo POV:

  I slowly woke up. I had to let my mind adjust to where I was. I looked around, realizing that I was on the floor of Deku's room. Todoroki and I got up last night because we wanted to sleep with him. I decided to cuddle back into Deku, but he wasn't there!

  I sat up, now freaking out. Deku wasn't with us! I crawled over to Todoroki and tried to shake him awake. "Todoroki, wake up!" He moaned and pulled the covers over his head. "Wake up! Deku's gone!"

  He uncovered his head and sat up. He looked around with panic in his eyes. "Midoriya!? Bakugo, where is he!?"

  "I don't know! I woke up and he was gone!" I felt tears go down my face. "We have to find him!" I got to my feet and ran over to the bed to look there. He wasn't on or under it. I looked behind me to see Todoroki looking around as well. Where was Deku?

  "Midoriya's not coming back, is he?"

  "Don't say that!"

  "Think about it! He's probably tired of us! What have we done to benefit his life? Nothing!" He started crying.

  I didn't want to believe a word he was saying, but I started to. Tears poured from my eyes as I thought about it. "Shut up! He'll be back! Just keep looking!"

Deku POV:

  My showers are usually fairly quick. When I was done, I turned the water off and heard sniffling outside the door. I quickly grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my waist. I ran out with my body still dripping wet with water. When I opened the door, I saw the kids looking around the room, probably for me.

  They turned to look at me when I entered the room. They started running towards me. I got down on my knees and held out my arms, which the kids ran into. They hugged me tight and sobbed into my chest. "Deku! Where were you!?"

  "I'm sorry. I went to take a shower. I didn't think you boys would wake up."

  "Midoriya, we thought that you left us and weren't coming back!"

  I hugged them tighter and rubbed their backs. "I would never do that to you. Understand? I love you both." I pulled away to look at them. I kissed them on their foreheads and pet their hair. "I'm going to go finish getting ready. You two be good, okay?"

  They both nodded and stepped back so I could get up. I went over to my closet to grab my uniform, then I went back into the bathroom to finish drying off. I went as fast as I could, but still doing a decent job. I just didn't want to leave the kids for too long.

  I dried off my body, then wrapped the towel around my head to put my uniform on. When I was done, I walked out of the bathroom. The kids were sitting on the pile of blankets that we were sleeping on. I walked back to the closet and grabbed two small pairs of clothes.

  I went over to the boys and sat in front of them. "Okay, let's get you dressed." I got both of them in some clothes, then went over to the door to turn on the light. The kids covered their eyes at the sudden brightness. I walked over to my desk and turned off the nightlight. Next to it were two small backpacks that the class bought.

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