Chapter 23

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Hey! I got two chapters posted in one day! Can I get a round of applause? *silence* No? Oh...okay.. :')

Bakugo POV:

Everything was now gone. Everything that I worked so hard for throughout my life was gone. All that remained of it now was just in my memories. I turned back around in my seat and cried harder.

"Katsuki, please calm down." My mom said as she looked at me from the rearview mirror. "I know this is very hard on you, but I promise that everything will be okay."

I didn't believe a word she was saying. I just wanted to go back to UA. I didn't care about anything else.

I felt something warm and soft on my leg. I looked up and saw my dad turned around in his seat with his hand on me.

"You have every right to be upset, Katsuki. But please calm down before you make yourself sick."

He was right, but it's not like I could control it. My body just had no intention of stopping its crying anytime soon.

My dad rubbed my leg and shushed me until my crying had slowed down a little bit. By then, I was starting to feel sleepy. It was getting harder to keep my eyes open, and my energy was pretty much drained. I was exhausted from today.

"Go to sleep if you're tired, baby." My mom said. "You'll feel a little better after a nap."

I hugged my bear as I got into a more comfortable position. I let my eyes close as a few more tears fell from them. I fell asleep not long after.

Todoroki POV:

UA was getting further and further away from us. I wasn't ready to leave. I was abused and tortured throughout my life just so I could get into that school. But now that I'm leaving for good, was all of that worth it?

Since Mrs. Midoriya didn't have a car, we were being driven by a man from the police station. Mrs. Midoriya decided to sit next to me in an attempt to calm me down.

I stared at the UA building as it got smaller in the distance. It was getting harder to see, because the tears in my eyes were making it blurry.

The school that I once went to soon disappeared behind the trees. I sat back in my seat and sobbed a little louder. Mrs. Midoriya was trying to calm me down, but my body just didn't want to.

She pet my hair and talked to me softly. Everything that she did reminded me so much of Midoriya. Everything from her warm touch to her soft gaze, it reminded me so much of him.

I couldn't tell if this was for better or for worse. It felt like he was still here, but I know that he's not. This just made me miss him more.

I'm just so confused on how I should feel right now. To be honest, I've been so confused about everything ever since this whole thing started.

"You miss Izuku, don't you?" I heard her ask.

I nodded my head in response, since that was all i could do. I couldn't say anything through the tears.

"You know, I miss him too. Every day I think about him and just hope that he's still okay. After all of the villain attacks, can you blame me?"

My crying had slowed down a little bit. Her voice was distracting me from everything else. Mrs. Midoriya noticed this and continued to talk.

"But even after he's destroyed his body multiple times, he still continues to stand strong and fight. And I believe that you're strong too. Everything will get better in time."

She put her hand on my face and wiped away my tears. Her hand was so warm and soft.

"Your name is Shoto, right? Shoto Todoroki?" She asked me when I calmed down a little more.

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