Chapter 26

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Rewind POV:

This is it. This is when I was going to show Shigaraki what I was capable of. I had him exactly where I wanted him.

I let the gas escape my mouth, all the while Shigaraki just sat there. There was no reason for him to fight back. What would he do if he got me off him? With that busted leg of his, he couldn't run or fight back that well.

"You son of a bitch." Shigaraki growled.

I couldn't help but smirk as the gas entered him. I got off him so that I could stand back and watch. He quickly sat up and started to cough hysterically.

"What the hell, man!?" Twice yelled. I looked at everyone, who was all in shock. Even Dabi was wide-eyed, which came as a small surprise to me. It was rare for that shriveled-up burnt chicken nugget to show many emotions.

I crossed my arms and rolled my eyes. "He'll be fine." I assured them.

Kurogiri glared at me and walked in my direction. He wrapped his hand around my throat and shoved me into the wall.

"You call this 'fine?' " He said. "I suggest you find a way to stop this."

The room by now had fallen completely silent. I looked behind Kurogiri and saw Shigaraki laying down again, now unconscious. I glanced back at Kurogiri.

"Looks like it's already stopped." I said as I shrugged my shoulders. He took me off the wall and shoved me back into it. He held on tighter, making it almost impossible for me to breathe.

"It has been my sworn duty to protect Tomura Shigaraki at all costs!" He leaned in closer to my face. By now, I was struggling to get even the smallest amount of oxygen into my lungs.

"You are not to cause him any harm while he is like this. Understand?" He growled.

I nodded my head ro the best of my abilities, since I was unable to talk. Tears were streaming down my face from the lack of oxygen.

Kurogiri released his hold on me, then I fell to my knees gasping for breath. I coughed for a while, then I stood back up. My throat still hurt like hell.

I saw everyone gathered around where Shigaraki was laying. I walked over to them and looked down. My quirk had definitely started to take effect on him. He was less than half his original size.

"So how long will the effects last?" Dabi asked in an unamused tone. I looked at him. His face had the slightest bit of interest in it.

"I don't know. I guess until I turn him back myself." I answered. It hurt to talk, and my voice sounded a little scratchy.

I looked back down at Shigaraki. The physical part of my quirk had finished taking place. I watched the child's eyes flutter open.

"Rise and shine, Tomura." I said. This was going to be fun.

Deku POV:

Monoma and I silently walked back to our dorm buildings, completely exhausted from Mr. Aizawa's punishments. After cleaning the classroom, he made us run many laps around the track. After that, we did other exercises until our bodies became limp and sore.

The entire time we were doing that, I couldn't stop thinking about Kacchan and Todoroki, and the fact that they won't be there to greet me when I get back. They were gone, and who knows how long it will be until I'm able to see them again? I shoved my hands into my pockets and continued to walk.

Monoma reached his dorm building and walked in, then I went into mine. My feet were killing me and longing for a break.

I trudged into the common area, which hardly had anyone in it. Normally, this area was much more lively and full of energy. Now, it seemed dim and empty. The few people that were in there looked up at me when I entered.

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