Chapter 27

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I've gotten a few requests for this since we met Rewind. Ngl, this was an awesome idea, and all of you who hoped that it would happen are lucky! Enjoy! :D

Rewind POV:

Shigaraki looked around at all of us as he started to wake up. He lifted his head off the ground and tried his best to sit up, but it seemed like he was too weak to do it. I mean, that is how my quirk works after all.

"W..why are you all staring?" Shigaraki asked once managed to prop himself up on his elbows. His eyes widened when he heard himself speak.

He looked down at his small body, which was completely covered in just his now overgrown shirt. The sleeves of the shirt went way past his hands, so the bottoms of them were bunching up on the floor. The v-neck collar was staring to slide off one of his shoulders, so he pushed it back up with a slightly embarrassed look on his face.

I couldn't help but chuckle to myself. He looked so small and pathetic like that.

Toga squealed next to me as she hopped up and down. I glanced over at her and saw a huge smile plastered across her face, and her eyes were bright with joy.

"Look at little Tomura!" She said.

She quickly walked up to him and picked him up as she giggled. I think Shigaraki was too surprised to do anything about it. Either that, or he was still too weak. Toga giggled again and pulled him into a hug, nuzzling the side of her face into his.

"Put me down, Toga." Shigaraki quietly growled as he tried to push her away.

"He's actually pretty cute like this." I admitted. He looked pretty similar to his adult self, although there was one big difference between the two forms.

"Why is his hair black?" Twice asked. "Did you do that, Rewind?"

I shook my head no. "I can't alter someone's appearances like that. I just make them look exactly like when they were a toddler."

"Then how do you explain that?" Spinner asked as he pointed to Shigaraki, who was still getting smothered by affection from Toga.

"I guess that's how he looked as a kid," I said.

"Does he dye his hair all the time, then?" Mr. Compress asked. I put my finger to my lower lip and gave it a quick thought.

"I don't think that's the case. His hair looked way too natural to be dyed, and I don't think I've seen that color in the stores." I said, more to myself than to the others.

"Then what do you guys think it is?" Twice asked.

I ran through different medical terms in my head that I've heard my father talk about over the years he was alive. I could only think of one that matched up.

"My best guess is Marie Antoinette syndrome." I finally answered.

"The fuck is that?" Dabi asked.

"It's a sudden whitening in the hair, generally caused by extreme stress from a traumatic event. The name originates from the French queen Marie Antoinette, whose hair allegedly turned white the night before she was executed at the guillotine."

"And how do you know that?" Twice asked. Everyone was looking at me in shock.

I shrugged. "My dad was a doctor."

I still couldn't help but wonder what kind of traumatic experience he must have gone through. A car crash? Seeing a dead body? Torture? Those were the most common reasons. I just decided it was best not to ask.

"Ayatsuru!" Yelled a squeaky voice behind me.

I turned around, not really expecting to hear my real name. I looked at Shigaraki. He was now out of Toga's arms and standing on the ground. He looked both confused and pissed.

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