Chapter 13

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You know, it's funny. Every action that you have made throughout your life has led you up to this moment. Think about it. You could have ended up doing anything, but here you are reading my story. Anyways, I'll get back to it.

Shigaraki POV:

"We almost fucking had them! We could have killed them right then and there! But no, you had to mess around with them and take your sweet-ass time!" I yelled at Rewind.

I was digging at my neck harder with every sentence that I said. Old scabs from before were being opened and torn apart. It hurt like hell, but I couldn't stop.

Rewind looked irritated right now. "Firstly," he started, "you already yelled at me about this when we got back yesterday. Will you ever just shut up!? Secondly, I'm not the only one who 'messed around with them.' You did too!"

"Excuse me, but what did you just say to me?" I growled.

"Yeah, you heard me! You could have killed that green-haired bitch right away, but you didn't! You stomped his head into the ground and knocked him unconscious! Is it that fucking hard to put your hand on him and kill him!?"

"And is it that fucking hard to kill someone who you turned into a child!?" I was getting fed up with him.

"I don't know. Why don't we test that question of yours? Come on, you crusty-ass piece of shit! Let's go!" He was serious. He actually wanted to fight me.

"Knock it off already!" Twice yelled. "Ooh, I wonder who will win!" He said afterwards.

Everyone in the League was watching us. I don't think any of them wanted to get in either of our ways. After all, we both have extremely powerful quirks.

He got into a fighting stance with his right hand in a fist. His left hand was wrapped in bandages, so he couldn't move it. The little UA brat had impaled his hand in multiple places with ice. He wasn't going to be able to use it much in the future.

I stopped digging at my neck and felt the warm blood go down it. It had been a while since I last had an actual fight with someone. I normally stood on the sides and let the other villains do all the work for me. I got myself into a fighting stance.

"Oh, would you look at that! Mr. Baby Man is finally getting mature." He said mockingly.

"Shut the fuck up! It's my job to destroy anything that I don't like, and I really don't like you. I'm going to enjoy turning your body into dust."

"Hmm, never mind. I guess I spoke too soon. I can't believe that for a second I thought that you were mature." The smirk on his face grew. He was trying to aggravate me, and it was working. I was so pissed at him right now.

We both charged at the same time. Now the final question was remaining: who was going to win?

Ashido POV:

Bakugo and Todoroki rode around for a while as the girls and I walked down the streets. We checked up on them occasionally, but we mainly talked among ourselves. The kids never had much to say.

People would stare and smile as they walked past us. Bakugo would always get a little flustered when they started to giggle. I don't think that he wanted to be considered 'cute' anymore.

Eventually, they got fussy. They kept moving around into different positions. It was almost as if it were physically impossible for them to sit still. They would start to whine and make small noises every time they moved.

"Are we there yet?" Bakugo asked.

"Yes, just wait a few more minutes." Momo said.

I don't think they could wait that long. Todoroki kept swinging his legs around and kicking at nothing. Bakugo was trying to rip his straps off. He was pulling at them, and a few times he tried to use his teeth. Before he could break them, someone would have to make him let go.

Finally, we made it to our destination. We stopped under the shade of a huge tree.

"Now get me down!" Bakugo demanded.

"Hold on a second." Ochako chuckled. She ran in front of him and crouched down. She unhooked him from his seat, and he immediately jumped down from it. Bakugo laughed an ran around us like a little ball of energy.

I was scared that he would trip over something, so I grabbed his arm when he ran past me. His feet flew out from under him, and he landed on the ground.

"Whoops. Sorry about that, Bakugo. I was just worried that you'd trip if you kept running around like that." I said apologetically.

He sighed and said nothing. He looked upset, but I don't think he wanted to talk back. I lifted him off the ground and brought him to his feet. He brushed the dirt off the back of his pants when I let go. Todoroki was placed next to him by Kyoka.

"Okay, let's go have fun!" I said.

Shigaraki POV:

We were standing face to face, just out of each other's reach. We were both beat up pretty badly, but our fists were still up. That guy was so fast that I couldn't lay all five fingers on him. For some reason, he never even tried to use his quirk.

"Is that all you've got!?" I said panting heavily.

"No, I just needed to see what you were capable of." His breathing was also heavy, but he kept it even.

I was surprised that Kurogiri didn't try to warp us away from each other. He just stood at the sidelines the entire time, not really paying attention. The others, however, were watching intently the entire time.

"Let's finish this." I growled.

His smirk grew. "With pleasure."

I sprinted to him, trying to change up my movements. I threw a fake punch, which he dodged. This gave me an opening to kick him in the face. He stumbled backwards with blood starting to drip from his nose.

"Hey, not bad for a man-child. Though, I expected better." He laughed.

The anger inside me was growing again. I hated this bitch so much. I wanted nothing more than to kill him. While he was laughing, I kicked him in the gut. He fell to the ground, and I got on top of him. I held on to his neck and wrist with four fingers.

"Listen here! I'm the one in charge! I expect you to do as I say from now on!"

He rolled his eyes and sighed. "Tomura, we're villains. Aren't we supposed to go against authority or something? Oh, and speaking of which-"

He opened his mouth wider, and I saw the green gas form.

"Oh no you don't!" I said as I took my one hand from his wrist. I covered his mouth immediately.

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