Chapter 21

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Bakugo POV:

Todoroki and I ate our food in silence as Ashido sat across from us. She mainly scrolled through her phone and glanced up at us occasionally. I was honestly a little surprised that Deku didn't have breakfast with us. I guess he was still too upset to eat anything right now.

I did my best to eat quickly so that I didn't waste any time. I wanted to make sure that I didn't miss any opportunity to spend my remaining hours with everyone.

When I finished eating, I got down from my seat and grabbed my bear. I walked under the table over to Ashido. I had to crouch a little, but at least being this small had some perks.

Ashido looked up from her phone when she saw me appear next to her. She put her phone on the table, then picked me up and set me on her lap. She hugged me tight and started to pet my hair. I was really going to miss this.

I looked over at Todoroki. He was staring at his plate and moving his food around. He hadn't eaten much of it.

"Aren't you going to eat, Todoroki?" I asked him. He glanced up at me, then looked back down at his plate.

"Not that hungry," he replied.

I didn't see him as the type of person to not eat when he's upset. Did he pick that up from Deku or something?

"Come on, Todoroki," Ashido said. "You need to eat something."

When he didn't answer her, Ashido put me on the ground and stood up. "Why don't you go play?" She asked me.

I took that as a sign that she wanted to talk with him alone. I walked away to leave them be. At least this gives me some time to hang out with the others.

I walked into the common area and saw that no one was in there. Normally, at least a few people were in here.

"Guys? Is anyone in here?" I asked. When no one answered, I got a little worried. I didn't want to be alone right now. I hugged my bear tight as I stood there frozen in place.

"Am I supposed to go back to Ashido? But she wanted me to leave. Do I just wait here and hope that someone eventually comes? How long will that be? What if it's a long time? What if it's never?"

I started to freak out and tried to think of where everyone could be right now. I suddenly remembered that they had to help pack our rooms. Were they already starting? I would have expected them to hold it off until the last minute or something.

I ran out of the common area and down the hall. I went to the elevator and tried to reach the button, which I was unsuccessful in doing. I tried jumping and stretching my arm as far as it would go, but the button was just out of my reach.

I got tired and gave up. I groaned and sat on the ground with my back leaning against the wall. I really hoped that someone would come down soon.  

I sat there for a while and played with my bear as I waited, but no one came. I was just about to go back in the kitchen, but I heard the elevator ding! I stood up as the doors started to open. I saw Kirishima and Tsu start to walk out, and they each had a large cardboard box in their arms.

"There you guys are!" I said, a little irritated that no one showed up sooner. They looked over at me and smiled.

"Hi there, Bakugo!" Tsu greeted me.

"Hey Bakugo, I thought Ashido was getting you something to eat." Kirishima said.

"She did, but I'm already done. I was going to go up to my room, but I couldn't reach." I pointed to the button for the elevator. I was still a little embarrassed that I couldn't do a simple task like that on my own.

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