Chapter 18

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Author-chan is back! I'll be honest, I kind of forgot about this for a while. I apologize for being gone so long.

Deku POV:

I walked out of the kitchen with Kacchan in my arms. When I got into the living room, I saw everyone trying to comfort and cheer up Todoroki. He was still sitting on the couch where I left him. A few of my classmates looked in my direction when I entered.

"I found Kacchan," I said quietly. 

Todoroki shot his head up when he heard me. "Midoriya! I don't want to go!" He said as more tears streamed down his face. I walked over and sat down next to him with Kacchan in my lap. 

"I know you don't, but I don't think there's anything we can do about it." I said sadly. 

"There has to be something we can do!" Kacchan yelled. "They're making us leave against our will, and just as I was starting to get along with everyone! It's not fair!"

He seemed really determined to stay. As much as I didn't want them to leave either, I knew they would have to go eventually. This decision wasn't up to me.

"I'm sorry Kacchan..." I said.

Bakugo POV:

That's not what I wanted to hear. I'm tired of him being sorry for all of this! I gripped his shirt in my fists and put my face in his shoulder.

I just want to stay here with him...and with the rest of my class. Why has everything been going downhill ever since I started to feel happy for once?

"Stop apologizing!" I told him. "Saying that you're sorry all the time isn't going to fix anything! All it does is make the rest of us feel bad!"

I felt a warm hand on my back as a few more tears fell silently down my face.

"This will be the last time I'm going to say it," Deku started. "I'm sorry, you guys. I didn't mean to upset you..."

"It's fine," I assured him. "Just stop taking the blame when none of this was your fault!"

Deku took his hand off my back and put both of his hands on my shoulders. He gently pushed me backwards until I was sitting up straight. Deku brought his hands up to my face and wiped away my tears.

"Okay, I'll stop." He said. "Just promise me that you stop crying for now. I don't like seeing you upset."

I nodded and wiped my eyes with my arm. "Okay." I said quietly. I looked back up at Deku, and a small smile creased at the corner of my lips.

Deku looked down at Todoroki and put one of his hands on his head. "Same with you, Todoroki. There's no reason to be upset right now."

Todoroki sniffed and continued to look down. "But w-what about us leaving tomorrow?" He asked.

"Well, you're not leaving right now, are you?" Deku asked.

"N-no, I guess not..." He answered quietly.

"Then let's not worry about it right now. We have until tomorrow to be with each other, so let's not spend that time being sad, okay?"

Deku took his hand off of Todoroki's head and put it to the side of his face, where he used his thumb to wipe away his tears. Todoroki smiled and looked up at Deku.

"Okay," He said.

It honestly amazes me how easily Deku can cheer someone up, even in scary and confusing times like this. He really is going to be a great hero. All it took for me to realize this was being turned into a little kid again.

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