Chapter 25

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He repeatedly kicked me in the stomach until I threw up. Everything was hurting. He was right. Why did I even try in the first place? I was just a weak kid.

I let out a groan of pain. Through my tears, I saw a bright green fog come from my mouth. I completely forgot about my quirk. I haven't used it in years.

The guy got on this knees in front of me to see what it was, but the fog had already disappeared.

I knew that I promised my dad that I wouldn't use it on another person, but he was dead now. Everyone was dead, and I was next. I opened my mouth wider and let the fog pour out.

"What the hell do you think you're doing!?" The guy with the gun yelled.

The fog was rising fast. The guy that I kicked earlier was still laying in the ground. It reached his face, then I couldn't see him anymore. The fog was too thick.

He started to cough. The other guy looked shocked as he stared at his friend. I don't think he realized how fast it was rising. It reached his face soon. He started coughing and had a look of terror in his eyes.

"You *cough* son of a bich! *cough* You have your *cough* mom's quirk *cough* don't you!?"

I heard him collapse to the floor and passed out, then I stopped my quirk. They were both unconscious now, so this gave me some time. I slowly sat up and got to my feet. Everything hurt, and i was shaking. I had to use the wall as support.

I looked down, but I didn't see them through the fog. I just hoped that it was working. I hated them so much for what they did. I had to kill them!

I the fog was thinner now, so I could see a little better. I limped over to the counter, passing my dead family. My stomach was churning from seeing them like that. Had I not thrown up from being kicked, I would have done so right then.

I looked away from them and went straight to the knife block. I grabbed a random knife and went back over to the men. Well, they weren't really men now.

They were a lot smaller than before, about the size of toddlers. It only appeared to be their bodies that changed. Their clothes stayed the same size as before. Now all I had to do was wait for them to wake up. I wanted to hear their screams as I killed them.

To my luck, I saw one of them start to open his eyes. It was the one that was affected first. He groaned and sat up, looking extremely confused.

"It's about time you woke up," I said.

He looked at me, then his jaws dropped. He quickly looked down at his bodies, which were swimming in his clothes. He shot his hands towards me.

"Why can't I use my quirk!?" He yelled. He sounded surprised by the sound of his voice. He looked at his friend, who was still unconscious.

"Wh...what did you do to us?" He asked. He pressed his back against the wall when he realized what was going on.

I pulled the knife up a little bit so that it was in full view. I walked up to him, and each step I took forward caused him to shake more.

"This wasn't my idea! It was all him!" He yelled as he pointed to his still unconscious friend.

"I don't care who's idea this was!" I said. "You still had a part in this, so now you must pay."

I got on my knees in front of him and pulled the knife back. He tried to back up more, but he couldn't because of the wall. He screamed, which sounded like music to my ears.

I shoved the knife into his stomach, and he gasped in pain. His blood flowed out and went down my hands. It was warm.

My heart started racing as his breaths became more shallow. This feeling I had, it wasn't regret or remorse. It wasn't even bad. If anything, I was feeling overjoyed.

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