Chapter 17

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Bakugo POV:

I laid on Deku's bed and stared at the ceiling. Deku was sitting at the foot of the bed, and Todoroki was on the floor by his feet. None of us really talked the entire time we were in there. There was nothing for us to say. 

We were still so shocked by the events from earlier, that saying something would just make the situation more stressful than sitting in silence. That's fine with me because I don't think I could focus on a normal conversation anyways. Every time I close my eyes, I see Rewind and the way he looked at me before turning to dust. 

That image still haunts my mind. Just something about the way he was staring at me, it sent chills down my spine. He was looking directly at me with those wide eyes like he wanted help. He reached his arm out to me, then it broke off before he collapsed. That's the part that keeps playing on a loop in my mind.

I know that he's a villain, in fact, he's the villain that ruined my life, but I almost felt bad for him at that moment. Maybe it was just the fact that only he could turn me back to normal and I was being selfish. Maybe I really did feel bad for him. Who really knows at this point? 

A knock on the door suddenly pulled me from my thoughts and caused me to jump a little. I sat up with my heart slightly racing. 

"Just a second!" Deku called out to the person on the other side of the door. He stood up and walked over to it. He opened it, and I caught sight of Uraraka in the doorway.

"Deku, Mr. Aizawa is back!" She said. "He told us that he needs to talk to everyone, even Bakugo and Todoroki."

Hearing our names, I could already tell that this was going to be about us. I turned my head to Todoroki, who was already looking at me. His facial expression said "What's going to happen to us?" I didn't know how to respond, so I looked back up at Deku. He slowly turned to face us.

"Well, then I guess we're going downstairs." He said. I grabbed my bear and crawled to the edge of the bed to get down. By the time I was standing on the ground, Todoroki was already standing next to Deku and holding his hand. I walked over to them, and Deku held out his other hand for me to grab. I took it and held it tight, for I was unsure about what Mr. Aizawa wanted. 

We walked out of the room and down the hall to the elevator. We walked inside, and I started to get even more anxious. "What if it's something bad? On the other hand, what if it's good? Is there really a need to worry this much?" I tightened my grip on Deku's hand as the door opened on the first floor.

There was a small pause from all of us after the doors were opened all the way. It was almost as if we were all mentally preparing ourselves for what's to come. Uraraka walked out first, then the rest of us did. We walked down the hallway, and every step I took felt like it was moving so slow. Finally, we neared the common area.

"Mr. Aizawa, I didn't expect you to be back so soon. Did something happen in the meeting?" Deku asked. I could detect a small amount of nervousness in his voice. 

"Actually, that's what I wanted to talk to all of you about. It...might be best if you sit down." Mr. Aizawa said. He sounded serious, but it somehow seemed different from his normal tone.

Deku found an empty seat on a couch and sat down. I sat on one side of him, and Todoroki sat on the other. We were all looking at Mr. Aizawa now, and every second of silence was painful. 

Mr. Aizawa cleared his throat and finally began to speak. "I hate to be the bearer of bad news, especially twice in one day. There's no way to go around this, so I'm just going to get to the point. Since the quirk is permanent, Todoroki and Bakugo can no longer stay at UA. They'll be going home tomorrow." 

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