Chapter 11

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Bakugo POV:

I woke up the next morning to someone gently shaking me. I opened my eyes slightly and saw Kaminari laying next to me. He stayed with me all of yesterday after everyone else went back to the dorms. He kept me company and played with me until I went to sleep.

"Morning." He said in a soft voice.

"Hi." I said with a yawn. I felt my eyes close again, and I almost drifted back to sleep.

"Nope, it's time to get up." Kaminari said as he tore the blanket off us. He sat up and shook me again. I moaned, then slowly sat up.

"Come on Bakugo, it's Saturday. We can go back to the dorms today."

"How's Deku?" I asked sleepily. I don't know where that came from. It seemed to be the only thing on my mind right now.

"I'm really not sure. I was with you all night."

"Oh." I don't know what answer I was expecting. I was a little disappointed. Kaminari got off the bed and stretched. I crawled over to him. He picked me up and set me on the ground. The tile was cold on my bare feet.

Kaminari walked over to a small table in the corner of the room. He picked something up and walked back over to me. He crouched down, and I saw that he was holding clothes my size."Okay, time for you to get dressed." He took off my hospital gown and put me in clothes that were provided for me.

It was just some shorts and a plain t-shirt. Nothing too fancy or expensive. Kaminari still had on his clothes from yesterday.

He grabbed my bear from the bed and handed it to me. He picked me up and sat me on his hip. He used his free hand to pinch my cheek.

"Wow, your mom was right." He said teasingly. My face heated up.

"Can we never talk about that again?" I asked.

"I don't know. I can't guarantee if the others have said anything or not." He poked my cheek. "Squish!"

I grabbed his hand and tried to push it away. "No!" I said angrily.

"Okay, I'm sorry. Come on, let's go see if Uraraka and Todoroki are awake." He carried me out of the room and walked down the hallway. A few rooms down, he stopped and knocked on the door.

The door opened, and Uraraka was the one who answered. She smiled when she saw me. "Hey guys, what's up?"

"Hey Uraraka." Kaminari said. "We just came over to see how you were doing."

Uraraka giggled. "That's funny, because we were about to do the same thing! You two can come in if you want."

Kaminari followed her into the room. I saw Todoroki sitting in the middle of bed. He and Uraraka were already dressed in some new clothes. I was sat next to Todoroki.

Uraraka and Kaminari talked to each other quietly in the corner of the room. I couldn't make out many of the words that they were saying. I heard Uraraka say something about Iida being back at the dorms already. My listening was interrupted by Icy Hot.

"Hey Bakugo?"

I sighed. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to see how you were feeling. Also, did you get your quirk yet?"

He now had my attention. "No, what makes you ask that? Wait... no. Don't tell me that you-"

He held up his hands. A small flame appeared in his left, and there was some frost in his right.

"It happened when the villains attacked. It's not that strong, and it takes up more of my energy than before."

I felt the anger rise up inside of me. My blood was boiling. How did this son of a bitch get his quirk before me!?

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