3- I'm a Vampire

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Lisa POV

I cried silently into my pillow, my arms were aching like I needed to hold something. It's Jennie my heart and mind screamed to me, I didn't hesitate to call her. I didn't even care if I sounded pathetic I just needed her.

I tried calming myself. Jennie's on her way. She will be with you soon. I could feel myself relaxing slightly but my body still hurt. This most definitely wasn't a normal crush. Call me an idiot but I always had a hunch for reading someone and being observant.

Jennie wasn't normal. I didn't care though, she consumed me. She could be Dracula for all I care and I'd still want to be by her side every minute. I heard my window open and I felt my body being pulled against a chest.

The pain instantly left and I sighed in relief. "Lili?" Lili? I never been called that before. I smiled at the thought of Jennie giving me her own nickname. Because it was hers, I was hers.

"Jennie." I turned around and hugged her, not paying attention that my face was in her chest. "Wait. You came through my window?! I'm on the 3rd floor!"

I pulled away from her and she looked like I slapped her. I felt bad but now I needed answers. What the hell is happening to me?! Why the hell do I rely on her so badly now?! And how the hell did she climb in here!

I couldn't be too loud or my host family, the Lees, might wake up. She sheepishly smiled, "the tree was easy?"

"It's a palm tree."

"It was a very crooked palm tree." I glared at her, now was not the time to act cute. I didn't want to be left out or lied to. I didn't want my Jennie lying to me.

"Do you not trust me?" I frowned, though I would understand if she didn't. I barely met her today, but it didn't mean it would still suck if she didn't.

"No Lili, I trust you. I just worry about how this will affect you now." That's a little too late seeing my body felt like I was dying without seeing her for 5 hours!

She sighed, patting the spot on the bed next to her and I laid next to her, turning my body to face her. "I don't want to scare you off and lose you."

I immediately laced our fingers. "There's no way that could happen, Nini." I tested out the nickname and the wide gummy smile told she definitely liked it. It's our thing now! Yay!

"What your experiencing is the Mate Bond. I'm a vampire, Lili. You're my mate. That's why this is happening since it's a new mate bond."

It made sense. I knew this was all too unnatural. Jennie and her family were too physically perfect. That's why I just felt so natural being with Nini. I would have never cried being away from someone, I've been in a whole new country by myself for the past few weeks!

And the vampire? Made a bit more sense when Rosé said I smelt good. It was obvious she was staring at my neck. At least now I knew what the warning look was in Nini's eyes.

I saw Jennie was biting her lip, probably waiting for me to freak out since I've been quiet for a bit. I smiled at her, "Okay."

"What?! That's it?!" She sat up and I frowned, why did she leave my arms? "Lisa I just told you I'm a freaking vampire! AND that you're basically mine forever!"

"And can you tell me where the problem is with that?" I was confused, she wouldn't hurt me so why should I freak out about it? I was too rational, but then again I didn't ACTUALLY believe vampires existed.

Did Jennie think I'd cry at the fact that I found someone who would love me forever? Why would I be ungrateful for that and fight against that love? Don't get me wrong, I didn't mean that I wanted to be a vampire this second, there was still things I wanted to experience.

"You sure you ain't going to faint?" She asked softly and I giggled, "I promise I'm not. Just promise me I can stay human for a while?"

"I would never take that from you. I want you to be able to know us all better and choose when you're ready."

I nodded and smiled, "So is this when you turn into a bat?"

"You've got to be kidding." She groaned as she covered her face with a pillow. I couldn't stop the laugh, it was so easy to annoy her! I regretted it though once I saw the mischievous look in her eyes.

I wasn't scared, but it definitely stopped the laughs. That's when she attacked me.

I HATE TICKLES! I screamed and laughed as she tickled my sides. Damn her strength! I couldn't move! I was literally at her mercy.

I decided to play a different card. "OW!" I faked a painful look and she immediately stopped.

"Lili I'm so sorry!"

I smirked at her and sat up. "I win." She glared at me and I gave her a kiss on the cheek, she laughed. "You scared me I really thought I hurt you!"

"Not possible." I looked at the clock and saw it was only 7pm. "Can we go see your family? I'm too curious now."

"We would have to leave through the window." I shrugged, I never been afraid of heights and I highly doubt Jennie would let me fall. I changed into a black hoodie and some dark blue skinny jeans. I threw on my converse and left my hair down.

Jennie sat on the windowsill and I looked down the three stories. Why the hell did I look! Jennie pulled me on her lap and held my face into her neck as if I were a small child. "Ready?"

I took a deep breath and nodded. That's when I felt myself fall for a second and set on my feet not a second after. "What the. No way! That was awesome!" I never believed I would ever experience that!

Jennie giggled, "We're fast. Let's go get you some food before we get to the house." I nodded and we stopped for some McDonald's before going to her house.

"Ready to meet the vampires?" I nodded with fries in my mouth.

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