14- The Week Before

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Lisa POV

"Lalisaaa," I heard Rosé sing as she slipped into the living room. I was currently reading a book on the couch, Nini and Jisoo were out hunting. "Lisa Barbie please?"

I sighed, "Rosé no heavy make up though." She nodded and went to grab her stuff. I put my bookmarker in and closed my book, setting it on the counter so I could let Rosé have her fun.

"So spring break is next month." She wiggled her eyebrows, "You excited to see your family?"

"Yup." I smiled at her but I saw her frown and pulled back, make up brush in hand. She gave me a look that demanded I talk and I gave in. "It's just I'm going to be turned after spring break. This might be my last time seeing them."

"Oh Lisa," she hugged me to her and I held onto her, forcing myself not to cry. "Hopefully you can control yourself by the time of graduation next year, but sooner or later you'll have to leave. They can't know our secret."

"How did you manage to leave?" I asked and she pulled away, smiling sadly with a far look in her eyes.

"In Australia, my father wasn't around much. My mother was my best friend, but meeting Jisoo, I just couldn't leave her. There really wasn't no choice. When I turned, I had no idea what I went into, I almost killed my mother heading to her house so I vowed to stay away."

I winced, would I try to kill my parents? She noticed and held my hand, "We won't let that happen and luckily for you, you know this before you changed. When you turn, trust me when I say, you'll want nothing more than blood, not even Jennie."

"I won't hurt her right?" I feared what I might turn into, but I had Jennie and my sisters. They wouldn't allow anything bad to happen but I wasn't positive what person I'd become.

"A mate could never hurt a mate." I let out my relief, "but you'll feel more angry and annoyed when we try to stop you from killing a lot. You'll have to take a life sooner or later, but we can control you, hopefully."

She winked at me and I smiled, letting her do my makeup to drop the subject. She did my make up and then smiled. "Perfect! Now my turn to get ready. Your dress is on the bed."

"Wait what?" I was so confused. She winked and I walked in to see a pretty polka dot dress on the bed. I could hear her say just wear it so I put it on. I put on the flats next to the bed and I saw Rosé wearing a light blue dress, her vampire face even more pretty.

"Wear this." She held out a eye mask and I didn't like it but complied. I placed it on and she picked me up, running with me causing me to yelp. I was grateful for the eye mask now, I was getting dizzy and I couldn't even see.

"Ok we're here." I still had no idea what was happening. I was set down and could feel Nini near by. "Nini?" I felt her touch my hand and her lips on my cheek. Now I really didn't like this eye mask.

"Surprise!" The girls screamed as they took off my mask. I gasped, putting a hand over my mouth as I saw them transform a clearing in the forest into a buffet of Thai food. The decorations making me feel like I was home.

I saw the dishes and once I saw a picture of my parents at the head of the table, I started to cry. I couldn't believe they did all this for me. I was in a mix of happiness and homesickness. "Thank you so much," I tried calming down, but I couldn't help the tears as I grabbed the picture, crushing it to my chest.

"Making me cry Lisa and I worked hard on our make up." I could hear Rosé sobbing and I giggled despite the tears. I put the picture down and hugged them all. I ate the food, Rosé trying some here and there but I was shocked, it tasted just like my parents home cooked meals.

"Jisoo thank you!" She bowed and winked, very proud of herself. We had the best night but sadly it was a school night so Nini had to take me home. "Thank you for that," I gave her a kiss and she left, saying she would pick me up for school.

I woke up the next morning, my cravings now gone due to Jisoo making practically the whole Thai menu, maybe that's why Nini asked what I missed from there. I put on a light yellow sundress, a while cardigan and my white vans. I curled my hair a bit and put on the nude lipstick Nini liked.

I grabbed my backpack and waved to Mrs Lee as I went down the stairs, watching Nini pull up to the curb. "Hey sexy," she said and I winked at her, leaning over a kiss. "It's official, I love yellow on you."

"You love everything on me." I scoffed and she looked at me shocked but playful.

"Someone's getting cocky." She wasn't wrong. I have gotten more confident with the girls. I felt like I could be my whole self and still fit in. We made it to school and I got off, it was really nice weather.

"How does the sun feel," I made a dramatic show by holding my heart and kneeling. "The sun! It's burning me!" Only Rosie giggled and I looked up to see two glares. "Tough crowd."

"Don't worry I liked the joke." Rosie said as she linked her arm with mine, tugging me along into the school. I could feel angry eyes on us and Rosé glared behind her, "Can it Jennie."

"Make me Rosie!" Rosé immediately dropped her arm from mine and went to bicker with Jennie, who kept telling her to quit touching me. Me and Jisoo looked at each other and she mouthed 'Let's go?' I nodded and we took off, those two were like cats and dogs sometimes.

"Hey!" We heard them scream and Jisoo laughed, pulling me to her side so she could pick up the pace. We made it to my class and I thanked her, heading to my seat while waiting for Jennie.

A few seconds later she walked in, wearing the biggest glare ever and all the students widened their eyes in fear. I rolled my eyes, she'll get over it. She sat next to me, but turned slightly away from me.

She couldn't stay mad at me. I smiled innocently as I cuddled into her side, "Nini I love you." I felt her relax a bit but she still didn't look at me. Time to step it up I smirked and saw no one looking.

I grabbed her hand and placed it on my thigh, lightly trailing my fingers up and down her arm, causing her to slightly grip my thigh. And now to bring it home I leaned closer to her, "I'll let you use the handcuffs this time."

"Forgiven!" She instantly turned to me and I laughed, too easy sometimes. She held onto my lap while class went on, but I saw her widen her eyes in disgust.

"What's wrong?" I whispered and she leaned to me. "I can hear Jisoo and Rosé making up in the storage closet." Poor baby I winced, better enjoy this normal hearing now. I placed my head on her shoulder, humming along to a classy tune she and I like.

I hoped it would dull out the sounds and she thanked me. The bell rang and I kissed her, before leaving to my next class.

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