26-All You Can Eat

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Lisa POV

"Why did we do this?!" I was in so much pain! "I should have just listened to the girls and we wouldn't have done this."

"But the buffet is half off today! With a free toy!" Rosé said in the same pain on the other side of the booth. She convinced me to go with her to a buffet to see how long we could last there.

We literally have been eating for 6 hours! "Okay fine bitch but I want my toy," she grumbled and I got off the booth, I couldn't even stretch I was so full. We limped to the exit, but as Rosé waited for her toy they told her, "Sorry miss, only kids below 12 get the toy."

"YOU LITTLE!" I grabbed onto her before she could flip her shit on him. He wasn't Jisoo, he couldn't emotionally prepare for the words Rosé could throw at him when she was angry.

"Just act like I'm using the restroom. I'll get it but have the exit open." She nodded and I walked to the restroom. "It's open Lisa," I heard her whisper and I used all my speed to run to the exit, but plucked two stuffed animals from the bin and I left before he could blink.

She caught up with me at the car and once we were inside, I held out her toy and she squealed, hugging the bear to her. "Thank you!"

"We deserve that damn bear." I felt like I could explode. We made it home and I tensed when I smelled someone there, a vampire. Rosé squealed and ran inside the house. I walked in and froze when I saw a tall woman with black hair cuddling with Nini on the couch.

She didn't even seem to mind it! I glared at the woman and Nini turned to me. "Oh Lisa! You have to meet Irene! We go way back."

"Way back." I did NOT like the way she smirked at my girlfriend and smiled at me. "Hi Lisa, I heard about you. The new little baby vampire."

"Yeah well this new little baby vampire will rip your arm off if you don't get it away from Jennie." I smiled back at her, using the same out of sweetness. Jennie looked shocked but then quickly detached their arms, giving me an apologetic smile.

"So baby vamp," she smiled as I rolled my eyes, "How did you manage to win Jennie's heart? I can't really get it."

"Lisa's her mate. Figure it out," I was shocked to hear Jisoo's annoyed tone as she came to sit next to me on the couch, defending me. "Why are you here?"

"Now Ji-Chu that's no way to treat a guest," Irene mocked her, sitting up straightener. "Let's just say I ran into some trouble and needed a place to crash. I know Jennie would help, my little bestie."

They cuddled again and I almost flung the couch at them. Rosé looked conflicted, it was obvious she liked Irene but her mate didn't. Hell, I didn't because she seemed too flirtatious with Jennie and what's worse is Jennie seemed totally fine with it.

"Hey Lisa? Did Jennie tell you about the time we went to the hot tub in Ireland and-"

"How was the buffet?!" Jisoo and Jennie interrupted and I was confused. Jennie looked like she really didn't want me to hear about that. They were alone in the hot tub or?

"What? Surely Lisa knew you had others before her right?" Irene asked as though it was the most natural thing and I looked at Jennie, who stared at her hands to avoid my eyes.

"Oh so you cuddle with a girl who you use to fuck and I'm supposed to be okay with that?!" I stood up and Irene smiled at me.

"Actually we dated for 15 years until I left for the States. She didn't want to leave Jisoo so," she looked at Jisoo, "I still hate you for that."

"I'm out of here." I grabbed my bag and left outside, getting into my car and driving off. Jennie had more than enough time to come out to talk to me before I left so the fact she didn't, made me want to ignore her even more.

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