1- Meeting the Mate

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Jennie POV

I smelt her near scent nearby. I knew it wasn't a male, the scent was too sweet, too feminine. I had to be near her, the beautiful dark blonde hair and big doe eyes. MINE! My vampiric instincts screamed. I needed her, I had her, and I wouldn't let anyone take her from me now.

I gasped as I sat straight up in my bed. Though I didn't need sleep, it was better than listening to Jisoo and Rosé fuck all night. Literally. All. Night.

You'd think they would be calmer now since they've been together for 50 years but no. When I complain they call me jealous. I mean, they're not technically wrong. I've been desperate to find my soulmate. What if I wasn't meant to have one? What if my other half was dead before I was turned?

I pouted, I couldn't think like that. I would be a depressed rogue vampire if I felt my mate wasn't alive. I just had to find him..or her. I looked at the clock and saw it was almost time for school. I rolled my eyes, why did Jisoo think school was a good way for us to blend in?

I got dressed for school (picture below) and told the others in my head that we needed to leave soon.

Jisoo and Rosé were my coven, when you're apart of the coven or mated you can hear through the mind link

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Jisoo and Rosé were my coven, when you're apart of the coven or mated you can hear through the mind link. Of course you can only do that if you're unmated like myself, but when I find my mate I won't hear them anymore.

"Morning Jennie," Rosé perky smile bright as ever. A satisfied look in her eye made me shudder, causing her to wink at me. You'll get it some day she said to me and we waited for Jisoo.

I met Jisoo first, well technically she turned me. I rather not talk about my change now... I couldn't find it in me to open up about it now. She was like an older sister from the start and that's how we been since 1875. In the early 1950s, we met the Australian half to Jisoo on accident.

She was in the local library, just causally reading when Jisoo immediately went to find her. I was shocked she looked so much like a vampire in that moment. I was even more shocked when Rosé was so eager to leave with Jisoo barely a minute into meeting her.

When I asked her about it after the change, she told me once she saw Jisoo she couldn't imagine ever leaving her side. That the life before her didn't matter anymore. In that moment I felt jealous, I wanted someone to love me like that.

Rosé definitely lightened up our lives, bringing our house into a more playful and happy home. Jisoo still could never deny her anything. Of course we fed from humans, Rosé tried the animal route and was still traumatized from the taste to this day.

We of course have the strength, speed, and the hearing but we couldn't fly or turn into bats. Our mental mate link was the only power vampires got. Of course we have ran into other covens and rouge vampires which were the worst.

Our eyes only glowing red when we've been angered or feeding. But that's about it, we don't sparkle in the sun and we don't talk with a Romanian accent. We're from Korean descent so we thought it wouldn't be too suspicious that we come back to Korea for the new start.

I sat in the back of Rosé's car, my earbuds in so I don't intrude on their conversation. I made my way towards my first class, Math 3. I was writing the notes when I felt something change. My body started to tingle. Guys something's happening! I panicked in the link.

Don't freak out! Jisoo shouted back.

I don't sense another vampire? Rosé said which calmed a bit but I had this sudden urge to kill everyone in the class. Almost a protective gesture. I gripped my pen, causing it to snap and my table partner looked at me weirdly.

I glared at her and she squeaked, getting back to her notes. Just then the door opened and it was game over for me.

She came in with a smile, those big doe eyes. Our teacher looked at her, "You are the new exchange student?"

My angel nodded as she bowed. "LaLisa Manoban. I'm from Thailand, nice to meet you." She had the sweetest voice I could listen to her speak all day. I quickly looked at the girl next to me, "If you don't move to the back I'll make sure you can't write your name with that hand."

She quickly grabbed her things and ran to the table a few spaces behind us. Our teacher shrugged, "You may sit next to Kim Jennie." I raised my hand and when our eyes met, nothing mattered anymore. I didn't remember much from before, only wondering how I survived this long without her.

I saw her body relax and she came to my side without another second. Her blood and scent was so tempting to me, but looking into her eyes I couldn't focus on much. She smiled at me and I could see her fingers itch closer to my hand, causing me to smile at her.

I flipped it and held it wide open for invitation. She blushed as she slipped her hand into mine. "Lalisa."

"Jennie." I found you Lalisa. God help anyone who tries to take you from me.

Lisa POV

I took a deep breath before leaving the main office. I was given my schedule and was nervous, this was my first day at school in Korea, what if I mispronounced something and everyone hates me for the rest of the semester?

Something else was happening, I felt my body craving to be near someone. I never felt this before, I was scared I was going insane. I took a glance at the paper and saw my math class was nearby. Don't be a coward I scolded myself and I made my way to the classroom.

I was in a rush to get there for some reason. I went inside and almost yelped when I saw class was already in session. I gulped and mustered a smile on my face as the teacher asked who I was. When she told me my partner and I saw her, I was drawn in.

She was gorgeous, almost not human more so a doll. Her sharp feline eyes and round cheeks made me want to kiss them. Woah Lisa! You JUST met her! I didn't care much though, I wanted to hold her hand.

I made my way to her but it felt like my body was taking control. I smiled at her and when I held her hand, I didn't want to let go. Who had I become? I feel like I'm not even Lisa anymore. I feel like I'm whoever Jennie wanted me to be.

And that didn't scare me in the slightest.

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