28- It Begins

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Irene POV

I grinned as I took off my sunglasses, walking up the counter. The lady smiled at me, "Hello Miss. Where to?"

"One plane ticket to Bangkok please." I smirked darkly as I handed my card over. I had a little surprise ready for that slut Lisa when I got there. "I have a little family reunion to attend."

Lisa POV

I woke up to myself being shaken, I groaned slapping the hands away. "Lisa please," Rosé whined and I peeked an eye and pulled me to sit up. "I want to go eat!"

"I could kill you!" I grumbled stretching my arms and I looked at my clock. "ITS 3am!" She jumped and put her hands up in surrender.

"Please Lisa! No one else will go with me." She started to tear up and pout, ugh stupid Chu! Your mate, your deals! "Please I'll pay and all."

"Fine." I wasn't happy with it but I got up anyways. I got up and slid on sandals and a hoodie. I wasn't going to dress up for this. "What place is even open at 3am?!"

"There's a Pho place thats open 24/7." I nodded and we jumped out the window and got into her car. I laid my head against the window and after ten minutes we pulled up to the restaurant.

"Two?" The hostess asked, sleep in her eyes and I glared at Rosé, who smiled and nodded at her. I rolled my eyes and we got seated, practically the only ones here. There was another lady crying her eyes out while stuffing her face on her third bowl of Pho.

"Nice place," I said sarcastically as I looked through the menu. I got a few spring rolls while Rosé ordered practically half the menu. We were in silence as we waited for our food but I felt like I would fall asleep again.

"Hey did you hear about school being canceled tomorrow?" I perked right up and she nodded, showing me the schools website that showed no school. "Want to just come to the house tonight?"

"Sure but I feel like I won't wake up until the afternoon now." I yawned and our food came. I had to admit the food was really good. Rosé let me eat the rice and grilled pork belly since she had a ton of other options.

She told me how Jisoo's birthday would be coming up soon and she wanted to plan something nice for that day. Of course I would help, Jisoo was the best to me. I would be the distraction while her and Jennie decorate but that wouldn't be for another week.

She paid for the bill when we finished and left towards the house. We waved to each other and I kicked off my sandals, running towards Nini's room and I the love of my life sleeping like a baby. She's too cute I grinned as I took off my hoodie, climbing into bed and sliding under her arm so I cuddled into her chest.

I felt her pull me closer and I fell asleep. I woke up the next morning and frowned when I was alone. I grabbed my phone off the night stand and saw it was 10am so I was shocked I didn't really sleep in. I got out of the bed and walked into the living room but saw only Jisoo.

"Where are the girls?" I asked her and I saw her eyes filled with worry. She wasn't answering me so I got worried. Jisoo was always the one who her emotions in check, a whole stadium could be crying but she wouldn't even bat an eyelash.

"Jisoo what happened." I sat next to her and she started to sob.

"S-She called and-" her sobs took over and I freaked out. What the hell was going on?! Suddenly my phone rang from an unknown number.


"P-Pranpriya," my mother cried into the phone and my heart stopped.

"Mommy?! What's going on?! Who's phone is this!"

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