5- Jealousy

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Lisa POV

I woke up and stretched, but frowned when I saw an empty bed. I thought Nini was staying? I grabbed my phone and saw a message from her.

My Nini: Left to grab clothes while you were sleeping. I'll be back to pick you up at 6:30!

I saw that I had 30 minutes and ran to shower. I put my hair in a towel as I put on a robe, going to my closet. I grabbed a dark blue and gray plaid skirt with built in shorts. I put on a black tank top and a sheer black polo shirt to tuck in to the skirt. I put on my black flats and immediately blow dried my hair so it was straight.

I heard my phone vibrate.

My Nini: On my way!

I prepared my backpack and thanked my luck that I didn't have homework yesterday. I totally forgot about that while I was waiting for Jennie. I decided to put on some spray to help Rosé in case she felt my blood was too strong during lunch.

I put on a semi dark red lip tint and smiled. Better like it Nini I tried just for you. I sighed, not really into the whole girly look but it doesn't hurt to try it once in a while. I felt my body tingly and knew she was here.

I smiled at how much I loved this whole mate bonding. I walked out of my room and waved to my host mom, who wished me a good day. I made my way down the steps and saw Nini in the car with Rosé and Jisoo.

I waved to them and got into the car, immediately attacked with cheek kisses from my girlfriend. I smiled at them and Rosé handed me a thermos. "It has coffee. Just wanted to try making a cup of coffee."

"Oh thank you!" I tried it, it was really good! Not too sweet but not too bitter. Rosé perked even more and Jisoo kissed her cheek. We got to the school and I immediately felt the eyes.

"Just ignore them," Jennie told them and I nodded. We got off the car and Jennie held my hand, I noticed she was my height with the heels she had on. Then again I was only 5'5, not too tall.

Jisoo had her poker face on but nothing could shake Rosé from smiling as she led her to their classes. I saw Mina and Dara giving me a look that said 'What are you doing?!' I mentally rolled my eyes, I was allowed to be with who I wanted.

I wanted Jennie.

She held the door for me and we sat at our table. I saw an unfamiliar guy walk up to our table, trying too hard to walk with swag. "So you're the new girl right? Lisa?" His little smirk threw me off.

"Lalisa actually." I was immediately annoyed. He didn't get to call me a nickname. I didn't want to be a rude person, but I could tell he was trying to flirt and I felt defensive for my relationship.

He was honestly lucky Nini was in a good mood that she didn't growl. "Hey Hyung?" She smiled too sweetly. Spoke too soon. "Try flirting with my girlfriend one more time and I'll rearrange your face."

"You're lucky 5 ft short stack." He chuckled but yelped when Nini gripped his tie, pulling him down so his face slammed into the desk. I definitely spoke too soon.

"You're an aggressive woman. You know what I'm sayin?" He ran to his seat as he wiped his nose with his arm. I smiled at how Nini's cheek were flushing from anger, such a cute shade.

I decided to test her vampire side. I nuzzled into her, "my mate." I whispered and she immediately pulled me tighter, kissing my head. I smiled at how loving she was. We let go when the teacher came in and started the lesson.

We sadly were assigned homework but at least tomorrow was Friday. "Try not to let anyone touch you." Nini joked but at the same time was serious. I blew a kiss to her and walked to my next classes. I ignored Mina and Dara, who were trying hard to get my attention.

I was making my way to the cafeteria when I felt a hand pull me into the girls bathroom. I tensed when I felt a touch from someone who wasn't Nini. I glared at the hand and saw Mina, frowning at me.

"Lisa what's going on! Yesterday you were so sweet and now you're a part of the 'I'm too cool' club!"

"Okay one, I owe you no explanation. Two, don't touch me." I tried to leave but she blocked me again.

"It's Jennie isn't it! Blink if she's threatening you at gun point." I didn't blink but I rolled my eyes. "I just want to be a friend to you."

I felt bad of course, I didn't want to be rude to people but she was bad mouthing Nini! I'm sure she has a grudge against her, therefore she can't be my friend.

"I appreciate it but Jennie isn't a mean person. She's my girlfriend!"

She immediately gasped, "how can you date that cold hearted bitch!" I felt my eyes widen and I balled up my fist. Before I could swing a certain red head ran into the restroom.

"There you are! We've been looking for you!" Rosé pulled me out of the bathroom, glaring at Mina who was still shocked. "As much as I would've loved it, you would've felt bad after."

I frowned and let her pull me towards the cafeteria. We walked to the table and Rosé said, "I brought back Rocky." Jisoo and Jennie rose an eyebrow and I blushed, letting Rosé explain the joke.

Nini rolled her eyes, "She can hate me all she wants. I still get to have you." I kissed her cheek and asked, "Can you come with me to the lunch line?"

I didn't want to risk giving Mina a chance to talk to me again. I might hit her and Rosé is right, once the anger fades I would feel bad. Nini immediately nodded and led me towards the line.

I grabbed lunch and we went back so I could eat. It felt so normal to be around them, I was mentally cheering at how they were warming up to me. I felt Nini growl and I looked at her, "what's wrong?"

"Those imbeciles are staring at your legs." I mentally slapped my forehead. Oh well I tried the skirt. I shrugged, I'd be happy to forever wear jeans. "I truly really don't mind the skirt just hate the looks."

I winked at her, kissing her cheek. "You know Lisa for a human you're taking this all so well." Rosé complimented.

"Yeah it's so natural like as if you're already one of us." Jisoo smiled at me and Nini cuddled into me. School passed by and as I was returning my camera to the teacher before dismissal, a hand shot out.

"You forgot the SIM card." I smiled in thanks at the girl. "Trust me I lost it once and let's say I'd prefer a weeks detention over an hour rant from him."

"Well thank you!" I put the card in and she introduced herself. "I'm Vera. You're the new girl from Thailand right? Manoban?"

I nodded, "Yeah it's my second day here. Well I better get going. My girlfriend and her family are giving me a ride home."

"Oh I'll walk with you!" I shrugged, she can walk I didn't say I'd talk. Plus I promised Jennie not to let others touch me. I didn't mind it, I wouldn't want someone touching MY Nini.

"By the way tomorrow night I'm having a party at my house. You should stop by, mingle with other people. I know you have a girlfriend but no need to be so clingy."

"If my girlfriend wasn't clingy, she wouldn't be my girlfriend. Plus I like her clingy." I didn't see the problem with it, I know if I wanted space Jennie would respect it but I chose not to want space.

I saw Jennie standing by the car and I tested out her hearing from the courtyard. "Hey Nini," I whispered softly and I saw her wink at me. She's awesome.

"So tomorrow night? My house?" Woah okay Vera made that sound so wrong. I saw Jisoo and Rosé rush out of the car so I knew Jennie was pissed. I saw them struggle to hold her back so I quickly turned to Vera, "Um I'll pass on the party. Bye!"

I ran to car and Rosé said, "Lisa hug her! She's so strong." I immediately threw my arms around her neck once I reached them. "Nini calm down please. Shh Nini." I felt herself relax and Rosé dramatically fell against the car.

"She invited you to her house?"

"I was hoping you'd hear the party part. She was having a party but I said no to it." She hugged me and I smiled, she was so cute when she was jealous.

Then again, maybe not if it took two vampires to hold her back.

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