8- The Story

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Jennie POV

It was 1875, I was 18 years old running errands for my parents in the town square. Korea wasn't as big as it was now, not much was affordable as goods were for the higher class. I held the basket close to me as I made my way through the stalls.

I got the groceries and was on my way home when I felt someone following me. I turned but saw no one. I picked up my pace and hurried home. I made it inside and caught my breath. How would I ever guess this would be my last day alive as a human?

"Everything okay?" My mother asked, a stern look and a clipped voice. I nodded and handed her the basket. "Go clean your fathers study. I want it polished!" I nodded and ran to my fathers study.

The smell of cigars floated the room. I got to work but still felt the eyes of someone watching me. I looked out the window and could've sworn I saw a red flash.

"Useless girl!" I heard my mother shout as she stormed in, slapping me to the floor. "A son would've been able to make your father happy with me! He hates me because I gave him a USELESS girl!"

I tried not to cry in front of her and as she stormed out, I curled up in a ball and cried. No matter what I did, I always left her angry. I tried cleaning the room but soon my father walked in.

"Thank you, girl." I nodded and bowed to him, but as I walked past him he grabbed my arm. "I can see a mark on your face. She hit you again didn't she?" I nodded and he stormed out of the room.

I heard a shout and a hard slap. "Jennie come here!" He shouted and I walked out to see my mother cradling her cheek on the floor. "Apologize to my child at once!" She made no noise. "NOW!"

"Sorry." She spat out and I nodded. He gripped her hair, pulling her up, "If I ever see another bruise on my child. I'll make sure you get worse." He dropped her and patted my cheek affectionately before leaving to his study.

"You like when he hurts me and loves you don't you!" She snarled at me and I shook my head. Why couldn't she see I just wanted her to love me? I would've never asked my father to hurt her. She's still my mother.

"I can't wait until we marry you off to the Lee boy down the street!" I winced at that. I would never have wanted to marry someone I didn't know, more importantly...a guy? I felt like I was born a sin, the thought of a man loving me repulsed me.

I had to leave. I ran outside to the backyard and took a deep breath. I took a stroll into the evening forest, close to Kim Jisoo's home. She was a kind person who moved into town not a few days ago. She was around my age though I have never seen her parents.

"You poor child." A deep voice said behind me and I turned to see a dark haired handsome guy. He may be handsome but his vibe screamed at me to run. "I could relieve you of this pain."

"I'd rather not. Good day." I turned to leave but he appeared in front of me! "What.. how did you.."

"Allow me to introduce myself. I'm Kai. I've been watching you Jennie." I blinked and he was in front of my face, my body frozen with fear. "Let me help you."

Before I could say anything he vanished and in the next second, had my screaming mother in his arms. "No!" I screamed as he sank his mouth on her neck. I screamed for my father and he ran outside the house.

I tried to get to him, but then I saw Kai behind him. I cried, not my father. No please not my father. He gripped my fathers neck, "Look at me Jennie or I'll snap him." I looked up and saw Kai still break my fathers neck.

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