30-Playing with Fire

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Lisa POV

"Tell me why we're doing this again?!" I groaned in pain as I held on with all my might. I somehow let Rosé talk me into a contest on who can hold onto a bridge longer, little did she tell me that it was a good 150ft up from the rapids!

"Have no idea again! Just sounded fun." She cried out, trying to readjust her grip. And where were our wonderful girlfriends you may ask? They were sitting above us on top of the bridge, eating!

"You're doing great sweetie!" Jisoo said with a round of applause.

"Kiss the darkest part of my little ass Jisoo!" She said and I groaned, laughing in this moment would definitely make me lose. I hated losing to Rosie, she managed to rub it in your face for a whole week!

"How about we tie yeah?!"

"Sounds amazing!" I agreed but as we went to climb up, our girlfriends grabbed onto our hands and tried pushing us off, but I grabbed a good hold on Jennie's wrist. If I was going down I was bringing her with me!

"Ow okay! Okay Lisa! You win!" She said and I smirked, letting her pull me up. Then I saw her grin with a mischievous look and before I could stop her, she pressed her boot to Jisoo's butt, tipping her over the edge with Rosé.

I winced as they screamed and hit into the water. Jennie giggled and smiled innocently at my glare. "Oh come on! You don't think Jisoo would have done that if she had the chance?!"

I thought about it, then realized she had a point. We ran down the mountain towards the edge of the rapids where there was two very annoyed drenched vampires.

"Well that's not a pretty face." Jennie teased Rosé with a grin and I quickly pulled her behind me when Rosé tried to charge at her but Jisoo held her back. I tried the only thing that distracted Rosé, "Mom made food!"

"Then what are we waiting for?! Food!" We watched as she took off towards my house and Jisoo rolled her eyes, following after. Nini laced her fingers with mine and we raced home.

As we to the house I watched my parents shocked faces and before I could question it, Jisoo screamed "Girls dunk!" I dropped down and watched in shock as Rosé hit Jennie with one of the wood trees.

Had it not been my girlfriend I would have found that hilarious. I watched as Nini flew back and we watched as she flipped to stand, now angry. "A tree?! Really?!"

"Don't like huh!" Rosé held her tree like a bat and I groaned when Jennie ripped a random tree out of the woods and held it like her own bat.

They definitely wanted my parents to have a heart attack! "Girls knock it off!" That demand of course went in one ear and out the other as they charged at each other, swinging their trees.

"Lisa!" My mom said and gave me a look telling me to do something. Jisoo and I immediately went to stop the girls. I suddenly felt an impact hit the back of my head and I shouted in pain as I fell to the floor, rubbing the spot.

"That's it!" Jennie shouted and I saw her drop her tree. I immediately got up and circled her waist with my arms, dragging the angry mandu back with my strength. I wanted my red head sister to live and not killed by my girlfriend.

"You both got even okay?! Now stop!" Jisoo shouted and the girls looked at each other with narrow eyes but I could see that they weren't angry anymore. I held onto her waist and still led her in front of me towards the house.

I was still in shock that I was hit with a tree! A TREE! I lifted Jennie's shirt a bit just to check on the spot where she was hit but she looked fine. We all sat in the living room as my mother stood in front of us, tapping her foot.

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