13- Sick Day

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Lisa POV

The next morning sucked, I woke up feeling like Satan puked me out and I couldn't move. I groaned, sneezing every few minutes. "Lisa dear? Are you feeling okay?" Mrs Lee said through the door and I slowly sat up.

I opened the door and leaned against the doorway. "I-I think I'm sick. If you want me to still attend-"

"Oh no no no," she waved her finger at me and gently led me to my bed. "You are going to spend the day focusing on feeling better. I'll make you some soup, hun."

I smiled at her and she closed my door. I laid in bed and felt myself coughing like crazy. I groaned, I hated feeling sick. You know it's bad when I would rather be chased by a vampire and tossed through a wall.

I felt my phone buzz.
My Nini: You almost ready Lili?

I frowned, I'm not feeling good so I won't get to see her today. I texted back, I'm not feeling well. I won't be going today.

My Nini: I'll go to school to get your homework. I'll see you after school❤️ rest baby

I smiled and instantly closed my eyes, welcoming the sleep. I woke up and my clock read 12:06pm, I sat up and felt my headache was a bit better, but I still felt the cold. I covered my mouth and went to the living room.

"Yes I'll be calling out today. My daughter isn't feeling well. Yes the adopted one." She saw me and said, "One moment." She walked over to me and felt my head.

"Lisa are you sure you don't want to go to the doctors?" She asked and I shook my head, I'm definitely okay on the needles.

"You don't have to clock out Mrs Lee. I can manage I'm sure. Patients need the best surgeon possible." I joked and she chuckled, but I could tell she didn't want to leave me. "In fact my friend is going to bring my homework so I'll be busy with that."

"Your friend wouldn't mind watching you for me?" She asked and I almost rolled my eyes, I wasn't six! Sure I acted like a huge baby but I didn't need her to bottle feed me. I shook my head and she sighed, "okay dear but call me if anything happens."

I nodded and she went to get ready for work, telling her co worker she will be going in after all. I looked at the soup she made and smiled, but I didn't feel like eating right now.

I laid down and turned on my laptop to do my Netflix. I paused the show, to quickly send an email to my teachers about my absence, before returning to my show. How do Americans make the best shows! I always watched some when I grew up, I figured it would be the easiest way to know some English.

I blinked and felt myself being shaken. "Lili?" I stretched and rubbed my eyes. Did I fall asleep? I opened my eyes and saw a very gorgeous Jennie smiling at me.

"I'm sick." I pouted and she smirked, sitting next to me on the bed. "Then I guess Nurse role playing is out of the question."

"Jennie!" I playfully shoved her and she stuck out her tongue. She held up a stack of papers, "I went to your classroom and got your assignments but your photography teacher said not to worry about it, that he was just showing off old cameras."

I nodded and thanked her as she set them on my desk. "I'm going to go see if you have any medicine. Have you eaten?" I shook my head and she left the room.

She came back with DayQuil and I groaned, I hated medicine! "Open wide." She smirked and I rolled my eyes, opening my mouth as she put the spoonful in. I took the medicine and she kissed me. Wait, why did I worry if she got sick? She's a fucking vampire!

I swear a baby has a bigger IQ than me. She came back with a bowl, "Can you eat much? Because if not I want at least some in you." I nodded and she sat next to me, feeding me some of the soup. She wiped my mouth here and there but once I was half way, I felt that was enough.

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