16- Preparations

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Lisa POV

In a few days I would be leaving for Thailand, the bittersweet moment of my last trip as a human but I would try my hardest to enjoy as much time with my parents. I would try even harder to adapt to the changes when I become a vampire.

"Lisa? There's someone here to see you." Mrs Lee said through the door. I didn't expect anyone, the girls were out hunting. It took Rosé and Jisoo's strength to pull Nini away from me, especially after being hit by Dara.

I opened the door and thought to myself, speak of the devil. I didn't let any emotion show, I thanked Mrs Lee and stepped aside so she could come in. I closed the door and turned to her, crossing my arms. She could've killed me.

She wants my mate. That alone was justified for an ass beating. She cleared her throat awkwardly, thick tension in the air. "I, uh, brought some pizza? Pineapple."

"You can shove the pizza up your ass." As if I would take anything from her, she probably poisoned it. She frowned and put the pizza on my desk.

"I had time to think after what happened. I was most definitely in the wrong and-"

"You hit me with your fucking car, Dara!" I whispered with anger. I didn't like the person I became around her. I wasn't this rude and angry person, I felt even more anger that she had a way of wiping my happiness and invoking anger. "I could have died! And because of what? Because Jennie doesn't want you?"

"No one ever rejected me. I didn't like it and so I reacted out of total anger and I'm so sorry Lisa. I'm so sorry I will never bother you and the girls ever again."

"Your right, you won't ever bother us again." I went right up to her, glaring at her eyes with all the anger I held causing her to flinch. "Because if you try, I will end you. And I won't have to use a car to do it."

I went to my door and told her to get the hell out of here. She grabbed her box and left, defeat on her face but I didn't care. She hit me with a car! I sat down and Mrs Lee knocked, opening the door slightly.

"Everything alright Lisa?"

"Yeah she was just trying to get me to go to a party but I declined." I hated lying to her but if they knew what really happened, they would freak out and tell the school.

"You're a good kid." She smiled at me and left. I put in my earbuds and went to do my homework. The rest of the hour was spent giving me a headache. I didn't have much to do, I was so bored without Jennie!

I felt bad that I felt dependent on her, but I couldn't help it. Sometimes I wondered if we would have been dating at this rate had she been a human. Vampire Jennie takes control, but only because she has the strength to do that.

Before Jennie, the world didn't allow me to fear of strangers were vampires or not. I liked reading about them, but it was purely just that. I didn't try searching for them, I didn't dream of becoming one. I just had so much free time working my butt off to get accepted for an exchange student.

It was astonishing to know that in the past few months of being in this new world, I've been attacked by two vampires, slapped a vampire in the face, stabbed a vampire, had sex with a vampire, and I've been hit with a car.

I have a feeling if my parents asked me how Korea treated me, I'd probably laugh. I've been attending school and staying great with my grades. I didn't have much to worry for, but what I worried about was after spring break.

I'm allowed two weeks spring break, but I would only be spending one with my family. The other will be turning and adjusting to my new life. I would still have to go to school, to finish up the last two months of the semester, but I was scared of myself.

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