35- Learning More

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Jisoo POV

Rosé held my hands as we walked through the Thailand airport, heading straight to Lisa's mother's car. She smiled at us and we got into the car. "I'll take us straight to Sooki's." We nodded and I could feel her anxiety from here.

We got into the grounds, immediately I felt uncomfortable. I felt even more tense when I felt like Rosé was in danger. She must've felt it too because she gripped my hand. A lot of witches were here before I shuddered.

"The red door Lisa remembers, only supernatural could go in. I would always keep her from it because as a human, I couldn't step foot in there."

"You wanted to protect her." Rosé stated as we got off the car, looking at the dark blue two story home.

"Of course I do. Lisa's my daughter. That's why I need to tell you something after you get to the room." We nodded and we went inside. No ones been here since the family died, but I could still feel their witch energy.

I pushed away the uneasiness, Lisa needed us. We got to the hallway and I saw the steps that led to the basements red door. "This is where Lisa and Sooki would play. Her father would force her by her neck to stare at that door, but she was loyal to me and wouldn't go in. He would punish her, and me, that's the only time he managed to make her walk inside."

Rosé rubbed her arm when we could smell her salty tears fall down her cheeks. "My poor baby didn't know. I hate that she remembers it, but this needs to end."

"We have to go in," I told Rosé who immediately pulled a large flashlight out of her bag. I looked at her with a raised eyebrow but didn't ask about it. How the hell did she pack that without me noticing?!

We opened the door and walked in, immediately feeling the intense energy. "Find anything that speaks about the Lunar coven." She nodded and I smirked at her, turning on the light switch allowing her to look dumb with that huge light.

"I hate you," she rolled her eyes and I went to search for some answers. I went to the cabinets and opened to see a ton of rocks and sage. Newbie witches I rolled my eyes but Rosé gasped loudly and I turned to her, seeing her hand fly over her mouth.

"You need to see this." I flew to her side and widened my eyes when I saw a picture of a toddler Lisa, kneeling in front of the Lunar pendant with dead bodies around her. Her father was smiling at her as she was gazing at the wall that had the pendant drawn in blood.

"She was so young." Rosé cried silently and I felt anger. He obviously was preparing her for this, but then I realized something. Lisa has already done magic.

"Look," I tugged on Rosé's sleeve when I saw a book lying on top of the coffee table. I opened it and saw weird words written in. "It's a spell book. We need to take this."

She put the photos and the book inside her bag as we searched for more. "Check the secret floorboard in the closet! Lisa mentioned it once!" We heard Lisa's mom shout from the hallway and I followed Rosé inside it.

We felt around and I felt a creak, signaling there was a false floorboard. I stomped hard on it, pulling out the wood as I saw a hidden chest. I pulled it out and saw the word prophecy written on it in Thai.

We opened it and saw a video tape inside along with rolled documents. "We need to find somewhere to watch it." Rosé nodded and picked up the chest as we found nothing else. We went out to Lisa's mother and she offered to play it at her house.

We arrived to the house and immediately went to Lisa's room, she was the only one who had a TV that could play a video tape. "Fair warning, the photos are enough to upset you so we don't know what this video can do." Rosé told Lisa's mom who nodded.

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