37- The plan (part 1)

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Lisa POV

"Please be safe." Jisoo told me as she set me down. I had been waiting two whole weeks for this moment as we would take our plan into action. I've been preparing myself with strength and the whole spell book. The girls allowed me to practice on them and I even managed to take down Jisoo, the strongest.

In two days there would the Eclipse and I needed to walk into their hands for our plan to work. It was dark, around 2am and I managed to convince Jennie to sleep with me, that way I would be able to sneak out without her noticing.

I didn't even to worry about Rosé, she was like a baby. Only waking up for food and to be cuddled. I looked towards the clearing, this would either be the place of my death or eternal happiness.

"Remember the plan okay?" I begged her but I trusted Jisoo, she knew it. She nodded and I hugged her one last time before she took off running. "I need light." I reached into my bag to pull out the flashlight I packed.

I walked into the clearing and could feel the familiar eeriness. Many many witches had died here... I had been forced to take their energy. I walked up to the stone altar, looking at the Lunar pendant carved into the stone. That pendant would end my life. Worse, it would end my Jennies.

"Well would you look at our luck." A voice said behind me. I saw two girls and a guy, all witches I could sense it. I needed to stick to the plan and that would require me acting nervous. "It's the Lunar girl. It's nice to finally meet you, Pranpriya."

I glared at her, she smirked and acted so arrogantly nonchalant. "Don't worry about us, we can't laid a harming finger on those cute little bangs of yours. I'm Yeri."

"Pranpriya my darling," a loud booming voice said from the entrance of the clearing. I felt my body tense when I saw the man who made my family's life hell come into view. "I see you've met your half sister."

Yeri smirked at me, waving her fingers at me tauntingly and I narrowed my eyes at her, not at all amused by her theatrics. "That's no way to greet your sister."

"You're not my sister." I looked straight at the man I refused to call my father, "You are not my father either. It's LaLisa."

He glared at me, "Considering 'father' isn't what you're going to address me as allow me to introduce myself. I'm Luca, the coven leader of the Lunars. Now, you will follow us or Liam there will force you. Your choice."

I glared at the guy behind me. He made a gesture to carry me but I pushed his hands away. "Don't touch me." I shoved past Yeri and walked towards a smiling Luca who had his hand stretched out for mine.

I glared at him and walked past his hand, hearing his scoff in surprise but I didn't bother to look back. They said it themselves, they couldn't hurt me until the Eclipse. I would refrain from using my magic until then, I would need all my energy for the night of the eclipse.

We made it to a large home in the woods. I saw a lot of people run out and scream in happiness as they approached us. They were all saying Pranpriya and I glared at them. Leave it to the psychos to think this a family reunion rather than my impending death.

"Give the child some room to breathe," Luca said as he tried placing his hands on my shoulders but I roughly shrugged them off. I followed them inside and ignored them all, standing in a corner to lean against the wall feeling more safe that way.

"There's no need to fear us," one woman said, "We're coven, we can't hurt you. Especially not the Lunar girl who will save our future as witches."

"Can I get you any food? Drink?" Another asked and I kept my poker face. Yeri rolled her eyes, "She needs sleep. It's late."

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