39- Hello Again

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Lisa POV

Things got better once I woke up and readjusted to the life again, only this time I was a witch as well. I was the strongest Lunar witch that held the power of a whole coven. Weeks flew by and weeks turned to months. During the summer we spent it all in Thailand with my family.

My mother cried in happiness when she found of the prophecy was broken and I was safe now. I remember clearly when I woke up, Jennie hadn't left my side in a whole WEEK. You'd think I was exaggerating that but I wasn't. I was a vampire again so that meant I didn't need to do anything that actually had to allow me my alone moments.

Life for once, felt the most peaceful than ever before. There was no fear, sure the only thing that happened were the usual Rosé and Jennie fights but Jisoo and I just typically ran as far away from them as we could get.

I enjoyed my magic and before you knew it, it had been my graduation in Korea. My dream was fulfilled of my parents seeing me graduate. That was the only reason I stayed going to school after I became a vampire again.

I smiled at the view Jennie and I were currently at. We decided to do some world touring ourselves after we graduated and right now we were on top of the Eiffel Tower in France, the night sky giving the best view ever.

Jennie leaned her head on my shoulder, smiling at the view. "I can't believe we actually managed to make it up here with no one seeing." I nodded, lacing my fingers with hers. It was blissful, I felt like I could breathe and Jennie with me only added to the contentment.

"I heard Paris is the city of love." I smiled at Jennies eye roll. She hated when their was a cheesy saying and the fact that I loved to annoy her only added fuel to her fire. "You know we could do anything we wanted, go wherever we wanted."

"We have forever." She grinned again our familiar saying, placing a sweet kiss on my lips. "You're the strongest person I know Lisa. You overcame everything and look at us now, immortal sitting on top of the Eiffel Tower."

Jennie and I always agreed we would never make a big deal if we were to ever get engaged. We felt like we would argue on how had to kneel and pop the question so we made a deal, we would both get a ring and ask at the same time.

We decided on top of the Eiffel Tower would be the best spot. "Ready?" She asked me and I nodded with a smile. We both reached into our purses and I grabbed the black velvet box.

Jennie held hers open to me as she smiled, gums and all. "Marry me?" I immediately nodded and kissed her as she placed her ring on me. I loved the gold and diamonds, she certainly asked Rosé for help.

I didn't blame her, Jisoo was my go to for help when it came to choosing the perfect ring. I was nervous, hopefully she would love the one I chose.

I opened mine to hers, she gasped at it. "Marry me? Forever?" I smiled at her, my heart exploding when she said yes and I put my ring on her finger.

She took a picture of our rings and sent them to the girls. I did the same but sent them to my parents in Thailand. After that, who would've thought the best place to make love was on top of the Eiffel Tower. Wink

Months passed and Jennie took over the wedding planning, I just wanted to marry her but she told me she would kick my ass to the States and back if I said the word elope. Almost a whole year of her being Bridezilla, we had our dream wedding in Thailand.

My mother and father cried the most that day, along with Rosé. I had asked her to be my maid of honor and Jisoo was Jennies immediate choice. I managed to convince Nini to allow me to wear a nice shirt and skirt for the wedding, letting her have her beautiful wedding gown moment. The memory of my beautiful wife walking to me would forever be with me.

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