7- Special Place

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Jennie POV

It was 5am when I found the will to leave Lisa's side. I didn't want to but I had to talk to the others about what happened. It freaked me out that the one time I left her alone, she got attacked. Had Rosé not been there, it would've taken one bite to turn Lisa.

I flashed towards the house, the sooner I got there the faster I could go back to Lisa. I got home and saw Rosé already with Jisoo on the couch. "How are you feeling?"

"Much better actually. Jennie you should have seen her. She was so fearless and brave," she smiled and looked at Jisoo, "I told her to run but she didn't leave me. She helped me."

"Then I am forever in her debt." Jisoo swore to me and I smiled, Lisa already managed to gain their hearts when she first came over and I was just happy my mate was accepted. What made me happier is that she still chose to love me despite the things I've done.

I think tonight I'll tell her about my story. It would be hard to remember but Lisa deserved to know. "That's good because I'm going to need help more than ever. We need to be at our strongest at all times. Kai may have been a rogue vampire but he lived long and knew a lot."

"Others could come looking for him or even revenge on Lisa." Rosé said with a frown, "If they found Kai's body they could smell her. We'll go get rid of it." Rosé left but Jisoo stayed behind to say.

"Don't worry. No one will hurt her I promise." I thanked her and left to grab clothes. I grabbed my school outfit and drove to Lisa's. I parked on the street by her window and jumped into her room. I saw my angel still sleeping and immediately pulled her back to my chest.

I woke up to the sound of her alarm, watching her hit the snooze button immediately. "Lisa wake up," I shook her and she whined.

"Five more minutes!" I grinned at her fierceness but the grin was wiped off when she hit me with a pillow. "Okay I was nice!" I yanked off the blankets and carried her.

"Jennie! Put me down!" She groaned and I sat her on the side of the tub. I threw her a towel, "have fun!" She pouted and I closed the door. I got dressed and slipped on my leather jacket, waiting for Lili to finish.

I saw her come out and turned away so she could have some privacy. I texted Rosé that I would meet them at school but I wanted to stop and grab Lisa some food first. I felt her arms wrap around me and a kiss to my neck.

"I'm happier now."

"Good!" I smiled at her and she looked comfortable and cute. "Ready?" She nodded and I walked out to the window, holding my arms out for her. I held her as I jumped down, making sure she was okay before setting her on her feet.

We got into my car and I drove us to a breakfast diner. "Wait a minute. Jennie it's 6am! You put my alarm an hour early?!" I grinned, waiting for her to catch that.

"I'm sorry but I knew we wouldn't have time to get you food." She pouted but accepted it, I could hear her stomach growling. I still couldn't shake the picture of her bleeding and in pain from yesterday.

We got off and Lili left her backpack in the car. "For two?" The waiter asked and I noticed he was staring at my hips. I felt a slim arm circle my waist, "Booth preferably." Lili said with an uneven look.

He led us to a booth and I sat close to Lisa, putting an arm around her shoulder. I held the menu open for her to look at and watched her nose wrinkle when she would think didn't like something. "Waffles!" She smiled as soon as she saw it.

"Ready to order?" The waiter asked and I looked to Lisa. "I'll take the chocolate chip waffles with an orange juice please." He nodded and collected the menu before leaving.

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