19-Mothers Day

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Lisa POV

I woke up early the next morning, the time change was pretty easy for me as for the girls, they just never slept. Jennie yanked the covers off me and I groaned, just five more minutes!

"Come on Lili, you can either walk to the bath or I'll put you in it." I peeked an eye, narrowing it to see if she was bluffing. Once I saw her in only a robe, I knew she was serious. "I'm going to join you."

"I'm up!" I sat up, still wishing for sleep but Jennie in a tub? That's a no question just get up situation. I held my arms out for her and she rolled her eyes, picking me up and carried me towards the tub.

After a relaxing morning, I got dressed into a white shirt and some black pants, putting on my converse as I blow dried my hair. I let Rosé lightly curl it, making it wavy. The girls were dressed casual and I saw my mother texted me.

Mommy: Don't eat okay? We'll have breakfast together. Meet at the same restaurant in 10 minutes.

To Mommy: Okay mommy❤️

I told the girls the plan and Rosé was the most excited, loving the food from last night. I grabbed my purse and watched my girl come out looking like a model. She had one her Chanel crop top, a leather jacket on top, and some black tight jeggings. Her high red bottom heels making wonder how she managed to walk in those.

She put her arm around my shoulders, an inch taller but I didn't like it. I was so use to be taller, I couldn't wait to be a vampire. I will be able to dominate her so easily.

We went into the elevator and made it down to the restaurant. I saw people waiting patiently outside for their turn to be seated and I saw my mom, looking very causal which was a rarity since she loved dressing up. She took off her sunglasses and waved to us.

We walked to her and she gave us a hug. "Pranpriya? Want to explain why my clerk asked to give you these?" She handed me the box of chocolates and I rolled my eyes, that kiss ass.

"He was being rude to her on the phone when she wanted to order room service. Once she said her name, his attitude changed quickly." Jennie told her, handing my box of chocolates to Rosé.

"This is a five star hotel, celebrities come here and I will not let this place be tainted with the image of rude staff!" I saw her getting upset, which was normal. Mother's passion was her hotels, she took everything seriously.

"We can deal with that later, mommy. I'm hungry," I used my baby voice and watched as she smiled, missing this. Even Jennie swooned and I smiled at her. People bowed as we were let in right away, back to the secluded room.

What I saw shocked me, my dad had his apron on and looked as though he was about to cook for us. "Daddy!" I squealed as I ran to him, throwing my arms around him and he kissed my head.

"Ladies allow me to cook for you." Dad bowed and gestured for us to sit. "My queen," he handed mom a glass of orange juice. We were served orange juice and my dad made our pancakes and sides.

After eating, he handed each of us an envelope and said, "A little treat for your shopping." He left to work and I peeked inside to see a few bills, making me groan in annoyance. He already gave me a biweekly allowance!

"Let him, honey." My mom hugged me to her. "He misses spoiling you." I nodded and we went down to the lobby. I saw my mother glare at the guy behind the front desk, watching as he gave her a nervous grin and bow.

We got into my moms car and we spent the day, shopping and doing our nails. We went to an outdoor mall and the girls went to the first stall they saw. "Honey look at this!" My mom showed me a beautiful ruby ring that was cushion cut, but had a halo of tiny diamonds. The band being covered in white gold.

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