4- Meeting the Family

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Lisa POV

"Lisa hi!" Rosé opened the door before we could knock and brought me in for a hug. "Come on in." Jennie pulled her hand off mine and led me to the dining table so I could finish eating.

"Let her eat first and then we'll talk." They nodded and sat in front of me, just staring. I swallowed my bite of the burger and tried looking anywhere BUT the three pair of vampire eyes.

Wow. Why does this sound so normal? There's definitely something weird about me.

I noticed that the apartment was very cozy looking. I hid my smirk, definitely wanting to say another vampire myth joke to Nini, but I didn't want her to tickle me with my food. I didn't want to risk dropping my fries.

I finished my food and Nini gathered the trash for me to throw away. Rosé grabbed my hand and led me to the living room. I sat down and she went to sit on Jisoo's lap, who took the small chair by the TV.

I blinked and Jennie was next to me, holding my hand. I jumped a bit, causing them to laugh. I blushed, damn Nini and her speed!

"I hope my comment earlier doesn't make you think I'd harm you," Rosé frowned, "it's just being in the room full of humans can get difficult sometimes."

"I'm not scared I promise," I smiled at her and I turned to Jisoo. "So what's your story. If you don't mind me asking."

"Not at all. We're practically family now." My heart jumped at that, they liked me! "I was born in 1743. I got changed by a rogue vampire who must've not drained me since I managed to change. All it takes is a bite and some blood. I found Jennie and turned her 100 years later. Then in 1953, I met Rosé in Australia."

I smiled at the way Jisoo wrapped her arms around Rosé and the kiss on her cheek. Rosé smiled. "My turn! I was born in 1935 in Sydney. I was basically taught how to be a good house wife my whole life but I met Jisoo when I was secretly studying at the city library. I left with her without a second thought."

Her story made me smile but also get nervous. Would Nini be disappointed in me that I didn't want to be changed instantly like Rosé did? I truly hope she didn't think I didn't want to be with her because I do!

Nini must've felt something and immediately kissed my cheek. I smiled at her and Nini said, "I'll tell her my story another time." They nodded in sad understanding but I frowned, I wanted to know but I would respect my Nini's story.

It must've been bad if they didn't press the issue. "Can I please give Lisa a tour," Rosé pouted with puppy eyes to Jennie. Jennie sighed, nodding. "But no touching! And no speeding!"

Rosé squealed and motioned for me to follow her. I smiled at Nini and left with Rosé who showed me the whole house. We went inside a small music room and I saw a piano. "It's my wife's, she plays and I sing for her. It's our little thing."

"Can you sing for me?" I asked as I touched the grand white piano softly. She nodded and sang a little of Almost is Never Enough by Ariana Grande. "Also why'd you ask for Jennie's permission earlier? I trust you."

"Oh it's not that," she laughed as she sat on the bench. "It's a vampire thing. In the new stages of the mating, we tend to be extra protective and possessive. I remember Jisoo threw Jennie off a cliff for tripping me while hiking."

I winced, remind me never to touch Rosé. "I just have a feeling that's just Nini though." We giggled and she asked me if I sang to which I shrugged. "I prefer dancing but I'm alright singing."

"If we were human I would have suggested starting a girl group." She giggled and led me out the music room. "Not to worry sister dearest your girlfriend is returned in perfect condition."

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