29- The Talk

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Lisa POV

I played with my fingers nervously as my parents digested everything we told them. We told them everything and my mom cried a few times, especially when I told her about me being drowned by Sooki.

My dad was quiet but I could he was sad. My mom looked up at us, "You girls don't have to worry about us saying anything. In a way I'm glad I know, just imagining having to hear about your death and never seeing you again just hurts too much."

"No one hunts you guys right? I don't have to worry about wolves attacking?" Dad asked and the girls giggled, he was thinking this was like a twilight movie.

"No dad." I smiled at him and he winked at me, rubbing my hand across the table. My mother stood up, "I'd like to hug you girls, can I?"

"Please do." Rosé cried and she ran to hug my mother who started whispering sweet comforting words to her. My heart broke when Nini cried into my dad's hug, I know she missed her father more than anything.

Jisoo leaned her head on my shoulder, "I think now is when I say I need a nap." I let her go nap in my room and I saw my mom glare at me teasingly, "Now I know where your baby album went. I'd like it back missy."

"Jennie and Lisa, May I speak to you?" My mother asked and my dad offered to take Rosé to the backyard to do some archery, trying to give us privacy.

"I just want you to know how happy I am to know that my daughter will always be cared for. Jennie earlier you asked me a question and I just wanted you to know I will never hate you for it. Lisa chose to be with you and I accepted that. As long as you both stay in our lives until we pass, that's all we ask of you."

"Of course we will," I hugged her, hating how she would die but she told us herself that she would never want to live forever. That she was happy with the life she had and felt a parent shouldn't live longer than their child.

"How about you girls stay a few days? I can call the school to inform them that there's been a family emergency." I nodded and smiled at Jennie, glad that they handled the secret so well.

"Lisa! Jennie! I got the bullseye!" Rosé squealed as she skipped inside, my dad following behind. "Oh! And your dad is making mango sticky rice! Foood!"

We enjoyed the rest of the day with my parents and I couldn't remember the last time I craved mango sticky rice, it was so delicious even though Jisoo declines it because she hated mango, Rosé still ate hers.

I was in my room looking through my scrapbooks when Rosé opened the door, handing me a red envelope. "To miss LaLisa Manoban from a Kim Jennie."

I grinned at the note and it said.

Get dolled up for me, Lili❤️ Then meet me where our forever began.

Rosé went to my closet and pulled out a black dress that had an open back but a modest plunge in the front. It was a skin tight dress that ended at my mid thigh and she held out some simple black flats for me.

She turned around so I could change and I chose no bra with the style of the dress. I sat down and let Rosé put some makeup on me while Jisoo came in to curl my hair. "I hardly see you in a red so we're doing that."

"That's because Jennie looks better in the red." I said, remembering how juicy her lips looked in her Chanel red lipstick. "Okay Lisa Barbie you're finished." The girlfriends high fives and I thanked them for their help.

I knew Nini was mentioning the waterfall in the note, that's where she changed me. I ran out of the house and towards the trail that would have normally taken my family and I a few hours to hike up.

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